I added a soundtrack to this article. Think I'll do this from now on in my posts. It will enhance the experience of those actually interested in reading - not talking about you, I know you love my articles. 😚💯
What up crew? 😎 Today's topic came about after an extensive Legends of Runeterra play session. I might've rage quit (who's counting?) but the experience left me with this urge to talk about this amazing CCG (collectible card game). So I'd call that play session an overall win in my books. 😇
So, let's look at Riot's attempt to dethrone not only Hearthstone but Magic:L The GAthering as well. Bold? Considering the month Riot has had, I feel that they feel that they could accomplish just about anything right now. 🤔
I know this isn't Splinterlands. But I thought it would do you lot some good to talk about a different card game for a change. 😁
I've been playing card games since I discovered them - i.e. since I was...6? My first card game was Yu-Gi-Oh! and I've been hooked on them ever since.
Today, I have reached Masters rank in both MTG Arena and Legends of Runeterra - for the uninitiated, that's the highest rank you can reach. I have never gone pro with these games, but I love them with a passion. 🙂
I think I've tried every TCG and CCG out there. At least the popular ones. But let's define these terms a bit before we press on.
A TCG (Tradable Card Game) are your Magics, your YuGiOhs - your Pokemon (your Splinterlands 😮). It's the format that inspired the card game craze we have today.
A CCG (Collectable Card Game) has existed for some time, but the format has gotten traction in the past decade due to the digitalization of card games.
The difference between the two lies in their names. Everyone here is bright enough to understand that. (probably 😝)

It would be amiss if we didn't mention Hearthstone in all of this. Blizzard's flagship card game started a phenomenon that is still felt today. It was the first digital card game that didn't rely on paperback distribution for its model. The game's design could be adjusted and focussed on the small screen.
Hearthstone introduced a dust mechanic that allowed its players to forge any card they wanted. Of course, at a price.
Long were the days when you had to trade for your cards. Yup. Now you had to buy them 😅. As successful as Hearthstone was, it was on the back of a monetization system that has only gotten worse through the years. The exorbitant prices for packs and resources had many people begging for the return of the traditional TCG. THat hasn't yet happened FYI.
Wizards, years later, after numerous failed attempts at producing a competent online client for their game (Magic is complicated, yo) managed to release their answer to Hearthstone in the form of Magic Arena. And while its monetization was perhaps better than Hearthstone, it wasn't by much. And F2P (free to play) players suffered.
People had a dream. A wistful, frivolous dream. That there would be a competent online card game. With easy-to-learn/hard-to-master mechanics - and a monetization system that was actually fair. 😱
Queue Runeterra.
Not only was Riot's Legends of Runeterra the most affordable card game. For many people, it was the best.
It combines Hearthstone's easy-to-learn style with Magic's hard-to-master dept. It is neither as easy (or RNG filled 🤢) as Hearthstone, nor as hard as Magic. It somehow manages to strike a balance of gameplay that is totally unique in its back-and-forth style. 💯

Firstly, Runeterra has the attack token. This token determines when a player can attack, and it switches between players each round. Whether you attack even or odd mana is determined beforehand - and there are decks and strategies that heavily rely on you understanding the nuance of this mechanic.
This means it doesn't matter who goes first. And any card game player out there knows how hard achieving something like this is. 😉
So, the token swaps between rounds, but during each round the players take turns taking actions. This gives the feeling of unparalleled control amongst card games. The flow of this back-and-forth system exceeded Magic IMO. And it does so because of its simplicity.

The astute among you will ask how does spell-casting work? Well, I'm glad you asked. 😌
There are 4 types of spells in Legends of Runeterra: Slow, Fast, Focus and Burst.
In terms of the acting, each player takes turns casting a spell and passing. The other player then gets to decide whether he wants to respond with a spell of his own or pass back, resulting in the exchange. Fast spells are up ton the stack, while Burst spells resolve instantly. Once both players have passed the stack resolves.
Slow and Focus spells you cannot cast as a response.
Again, simplicity. But with the necessary design for big brain plays opportunities.

The last major difference is LoR's spell mana. If it didn't have this system it would be a carbon copy of Hearthstone's mana system. However, the inclusion of spell man changes everything. ❗️
And as with other Runeterra design principles, its elegant in its simplicity. If you haven't spent all your mana that round, it will transfer to your spell mana (to a max of 3) for use in the next round. And as the name suggests, this mana can only be used for spells.
Needless to say, the bluff opportunities and sheer breadth of gameplay this system allows are amazing.
And this is the most uncomfortable part of this article. 😅
For all my praise Legends of Runeterra is still handedly behind both Magic and Hearthstone. That is why Riot's bid for a card game is a very, very Long Shot. 📈
Twitch views are low, but getting bigger each day. Simply put Riot came in at the last opportune time for a competitor. There have been countless attempts at creating a new juggernaut in the crowded CCG space - and somehow Riot is still managing to hold on.
They've done it through good consumer practices: you can get every card in the game without spending a cent. This is a far cry from Hearthstone's, at this point antique, monetization.
They've also done it through great design. And even more importantly ➖ through listening to their player base. Something both Blizzard and Wizards should take a look at.
I dunno man. I've played a lot of cards, and I'm rooting for LoR right now. It has the right ingredients to stay active for a long time.
Sometimes, long shots are worth it.
And sometimes they aren't... 😂
Time will tell.
Thanks for reading! 👏 You're awesome! 😗
To all my card game peeps out there, hit me up if you want to duel. 😁
Of course, shoutout to the !PIZZA gang. Gang 🤙 Gang 🤙
👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog | Twitter 👊
Have a good one. 🙌
Even if its not the first or anything I stll cant but have some love for this game.
After all, while I tried Heartstone and it was really fun too... I didnt feel any connection with it, having not played Blizzard stuff at all before.
Same with Magic, which at most I know thanks to that episode of South Park.
Meanwhile, while not my favorite game in the world, I have played Lol, and know the basics of their characters and world.
So yeah, I have more fun with Runeterra than any of the others would give me.
Well I'm glad you liked the article and I'm happy to meet another card game lover. 🙂
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