Saturn as your first!? Man, I'm jealous. I absolutely adore the Saturn despite never having owned one. It's one I'm still on the look out for.
I'm a huge SEGA fan and the Saturn was the PSvita of its day: Incredible hardware, incredible library, severely underrated.
Right!? So underrated. My best guess would be eBay to be honest. That’s where I got mine from
Unfortunately eBay isn't the safest bet down here in Brazil, things often get taxed when imported. I'm looking out on the local market, since Brazil did have a noticeable SEGA presence, but it's still been hard to find something I won't have to sell a kidney for 🤣
And your post made me want to write one myself:
That's how much I love the Saturn hahaha
Oh no way, that’s a shame. I’ve been looking for a multi-tap for mine but they’re either really expensive or from Japan 😭. I’ll have to check your post out tomorrow; I’m really intrigued