Thoughts on the Switch Lite - and Nintendo.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I was browsing through Facebook Marketplace the other day and saw someone interested in trading their Switch Lite for an Xbox One. Now, that is quite a strange trade seeing as how much more expensive it is compared to the Xbox One, but I'm not going to complain about this person's motives and I certainly wouldn't be stupid to let this opportunity pass.
This isn't my first time owning a Switch, but it is my first time owning the Lite model and while I'm not sure if I'll sell it for profit or keep it, it is still a nice little device that managed to impress me just a little.

I have more than enough gripes about Nintendo's predatory business practices, but considering I already own some digital Switch games, I might as well play them some more - bad company, good games (even if incomplete at times).

Having something to play in bed or outside while eating some churrasco with real controls and not just a touchscreen is always welcome, and this is more than enough to deliver some fun there.

I often see people complaining about small handhelds or controllers because their hands are too big, and while that's a valid complaint, I simply don't suffer from it. My hands are absolutely huge, enough to go from top to bottom on a 15" screen, but I'm rather fond of small consoles such as this. They feel nice to play on, comfortable. Considering I had no problems with the Powkiddy v90 which is way smaller, this actually felt even more comfortable.
It's about the same level of comfort as a 3DS XL, just with your hands further apart as the 6" screen is in the middle of the device (and is only the screen, of course.)

I am quite familiar with the Switch's library having owned one for over a year, so I knew from the get go that I'd have some good games to play, games that I already owned in my account.
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, the classic Doom ports, Animal Crossing, and more.
I'm playing them online quite a bit with friends and strangers, it's nice to get back in Smash to kick some butt or Mario Kart 8 to win some races. I've found that somehow I haven't lost my skills even after all this time - and of course, Tetris 99 is still a banging good game.

There are more games I'd really like to play such as Breath of the Wild or Shin Megami Tensei V, but I won't jump the gun while I don't even know if I'll be keeping the console or not.

And about the console, something that makes it a even better deal is that it came with some extra goodies.

Pokémon Sword was included, which I remember did not get such good reviews at launch but I'm still having a really good time with it. I've been a fan of Pokémon ever since I played gen 1 and 2 as a kid, so this does not feel out of place at all and is a very welcome evolution to the franchise, even if Hop, the main rival, is really annoying.

Another thing that came with the console was this beautiful Pikachu vs Mewtwo case by PowerA.
I'm really impressed with the build quality of this case, and the same can be said about the build quality of the console itself.

It's made entirely out of plastic and feels pretty toy-like, fortunately it seems like it's a really durable "toy."
The texture feels a lot like the one on the New 2DS XL, and that's a console I really liked to use and that felt very comfortable in the hand.
One odd thing about the Switch Lite which feels like a carryover from the New 2DS XL are the buttons.

They are... rubbery. In fact, they feel like they were made out of rubber and it's quite odd.
They are nice to use of course, but it's way different from the normal "old" Nintendo Switch. The same goes for the dpad which is a cross shape unlike the normal Joycon buttons which were made to be used as actual buttons when in two player mode.

After a while I did get used to this, and I think their feel is starting to grow me, they're actually really comfortable and quite clicky, exactly what I like.
It was weird at first, but now it's just becoming a different - but nice way to play all these games I used to play.


I still have gripes about it, and it mostly boils down to how Nintendo deals with their costumers.
The system itself is great and has the potential to be a great little machine - if hacked.
Nintendo has always been notorious for doing things that make absolutely no sense. When they first announced that Nintendo Switch Online was going to be a paid service, I was a little angry, luckily my sister decided to put me in her Family Account and I haven't had to spend a cent on the online services... But what they're doing now is absolutely ridiculous. They have added a new "tier" to their online subscription services that gives you DLC and MegaDrive and Nintendo 64 games emulated. If you look around you'll quickly see headlines about how poor the Nintendo 64 emulation is, and that's an insult.

This "expansion pack" shouldn't even be paid in the first place. Microsoft is for now the only company whom I can trust to maintain their subscription services well and improve them free of charge - sure, there are two Gamepass tiers but the difference between them is so great that it's entirely justified.
Nintendo and Sony are both guilty of this, with the new PS Plus tiers, but I still believe Nintendo is doing it way worse.

Another insult that really pissed me off was seeing the new DLC tracks on Mario Kart 8's track selection screen, DLC tracks that I can't use but can't remove from there. This wasn't a thing in Smash, characters, stages and songs only showed up if you owned the DLC, this is essentially trying to make the consumer "complete" the product they already paid for. Some might not be so bothered but it just feels odd to have them there if they're completely inaccessible, it feels like the ads on the Xbox's dash - something entirely unnecessary.

The main thing that puts me off from owning Nintendo console is how Nintendo prices its services and games and how little they seem to care to costumer feedback.
While the games available are absolutely wonderful, I still don't think it's worth it supporting a company like this when we're treated like shite.
The one saving grace for me on any Nintendo console is hacking them and doing whatever I want, and that doesn't necessarily means playing non-legit copies of games - you can do so much with a form factor like this. Even Android or Linux work just fine and it works great as a little tablet from what I've seen... but the Switch Lite does not yet have a softmod and the hardware options are currently way too expensive.

If you're really interested in the Switch but don't have a kidney to spare, then get a v1 Switch and hack that thing, it essentially turns into a handheld PC.

Sorry for my ranting, have a good one.

All pictures were taken by me


The Switch lite is nice as a handheld but overall I still prefer being able to use detachable joycons and dock mode. I've not enjoyed nintendo's online system since the DS tbh, even then the friend code system was a bit clunky but online was fun in some games.

Modding aside, the only other model I considered picking up was the OLED Switch but since decided to pick up a few x86 handhelds for both gaming and productivity purposes.

The Wii, DS and 3DS were all fairly clunky but at least they were free and worked fairly well.

I had a crappy connection when I got Smash Bros 4 but still had no lag when playing with foreigners, Smash Ultimate is an absolute lagfest.

I'm getting a Steam Deck in Q4 so I won't have much use for the Switch Lite - at least it's a fun little distraction in the meanwhile.

My Deck is still in Q3 apparently but will probably get pushed back again. Will be picking up a couple of alternatives in the meantime.

Yeah netcode and infrastructure is really important, I've not looked into how Smash does it recently but rollback netcode has been wonderful in other fighting games. I really enjoyed Jump Superstars/Ultimate Stars online.

From what I know Smash uses P2P, which is horrible for a fighting game. Mario Kart 8 doesn't run peer to peer so I don't understand how they managed to screw this up so bad.

My Deck is all the way in Q4, let's hope they have more stock by then so I don't have to wait much, hope yours arrives soon.

 3 years ago  

My biggest fear with the Switch is the drift, man, I really don't want to buy a 250/400/600$ console (those are the prices for Lite/Switch/OLED on my country) if my controllers will start drifting, I don't know if Nintendo has done anything to fix that problem though.

Have you played Bayonetta or Astral Chain? they're very good games and I would buy a Switch just for Bayo3, Mario Odyssey, Astral Chain, Metroid Dread, and of course BotW2.

Plus, how was your experience with that "old" Switch of yours? I'm curious.

It's expensive here as well and the joycon drift really worried me, but my old Switch never ended up developing that issue - I was really careful though. At least there I could buy another joycon or fix it myself as it was a lot easier, not so much on the Switch lite.

I've played the original Bayonetta on PC, it's an awesome game, I'll get around to playing Bayo2 and 3 eventually, even if on an emulator.
Astral Chain looks like it kicks ass and I'm really interested, so we'll see.

I played through Mario Odyssey on my old Switch and that game was a highlight for what the system could do and brought me back to the Wii days, when Nintendo made some awesome games.
The old Switch was one of the best consoles I've owned, I played Animal Crossing for a year straight on that thing and it never disappointed me. No joycon drift, just pure fun, so many hours on multiplayer too.

What ultimately made me sell it was what Nintendo was doing, the prices and because my console was a v2 Mariko, so no easy modding.

 3 years ago  

I played Bayo2 on Wii U and MAN, that game rules, Bayo1 is good, but Bayo2 is next level imo.

I've been thinking on buying a Lite for Mario, Zelda, Metroid and NieR, and then sell it again, but my priority is a better PC so I'll focus on that for now haha.

It's so sad that the Switch can't be easy to mod, on Wii U you can do awesome stuff and it's a retro-machine, the Switch would be more or less the same, or even better because of the portability.

I'm legit thinking of getting a Wii U in the future. It's a console I've always wanted to own but didn't have the money back then.

I'm sure eventually the Switch will be cracked wide open and all models will be moddable like what happened to the 3DS, but for now, we wait

 3 years ago  

I love my Wii U ngl, it's a very good console if you don't mind the lack of third party games, I've heard some ports aren't the best, like Assassin´s Creed 3/4, but when you mod it... it's awesome, I recommend it.

Yes, it's a matter of time imo, Switch will fall, eventually.

 3 years ago  

To be honest I didn't know there was a Switch lite, the case is very beautiful, I want one like that for my 3Ds haha, I hope someday you come back to the Voice chat on discord to continue teaching us your great latin accent haha.

I know, right? It's so pretty.
I miss my 3DS, but I always kept in my pocket, same for my New 2DS XL. I've got some pretty big pockets, but the Switch Lite still isn't 'lite' enough to fit in them lol

I'll be back, don't worry. I've caught a cold and haven't been talking much, my voice is screwed. But soon enough I'll show up there again.

I have more than enough gripes about Nintendo's predatory business practices

I feel you man. It sucks that Nintendo makes some of the best games around. I don't want to give them money but at the same time I can't keep myself from doing so.

Yeah, that's my main "problem" with them. Time and time again I feel really frustrated but they always release great games.

I did fortunately lose that consumerist mentality within the last years but I remember being sooo excited over BOTW and Odyssey, two incredible games from franchises I've loved since I was a wee child.

But to be honest, they really haven't been releasing that many great titles lately, the initial barrage of awesome content for the Switch has stopped and we've seen too many ports and cashgrabby games.

I have the Joycons drift on my switch, all I can say is good luck 😅

Does it come with warranty by the way?

Your Switch is the normal one, right? Swapping the joycons is easy at least.

It did come with some months left in the warranty, I have the fiscal note here in case something happens, buut with enough luck and care I'll be fine 😅

This might help drift if you want to try. Works, kinda.

Well, mine is covered even after the warranty is over. I gave up on it and haven't used it in a while, but because the repair is free of charge I have contacted the support and Monday I am sending it to repair. This tutorial might come handy for the weekend, if I decide to play, but I prefer to simply use their free repair for the drift.

Seems like not all consoles are covered, I think I heard the lite is not covered, but since mine is I am using it.

The switch lite is a good device, its a little bit limited but it has an entirely different focus

I'm a pretty big fan of handheld consoles, so it not being able to output to the TV is a fair tradeoff for the lower price (and lower size).

In my opinion the main limitation is simply Nintendo's business practices.

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