Nothing said we could not participate in FRENCH, so not only did I participate, but I also invited the community to join :-)
Here's our post :
Nothing said we could not participate in FRENCH, so not only did I participate, but I also invited the community to join :-)
Here's our post :
Sure, but unless you include an English translation we won't be able to read, curate and consider it for the competition :)
woah, seriously ? not even with google translate ? not even for competition ?
Nice ! :( Very disapointed ... as I reply to each and every comment on our community... even if not in our language. Sad .
Next time please note it in description : ENGLISH ONLY ...........
so in other words, I am not really welcomed to post in Hive Gaming even if I am a gamer if I do not speak English ? is that it ?
I’m gonna edit that into the contest post when I get home. Thanks for bringing it up!
You can still edit your post to include a translated version in English so that we can include it. That’s what most of the Spanish speaking userbase does.
By including your own translation you make the content available to a larger range of readers. Most readers will skip a post with a title and body in a language they don’t know. Few people will make the effort to translate a post because they don’t even know what it’s about. Also, one of our general guidelines when it comes to curation is that the post must also be available in English.
Anyone is welcome to post in the Hive Gaming Community in any language! Just don’t expect other people to make an effort to read your post. It would be better for you to make the effort to make it available for them.
About double language:
Well ... sometimes yes sometimes no, I was used to make bilingual posts FR/EN ... some English speaking people complained about the unreable thing after the english post...
(Yeah they compare the second part as junk just because it was not in English...)
Seems some of those english speaking guys think their language is at top of the pyramid :-) Not telling that you guys do htink so. But that is the reason I stopped writing double language posts...
About the effort ...
That is really mean to say that WE french speaking people do not make efforts to be read by people ... as if we who do not speak english MUST translate in each and every language on earth, while english people NEVER does it !!! yeah NEVER ...
The google translate was a good approach... and even if acydio thinks like you do, for the plagiarism etc ... not only I am not known for plagiarism, but for a personal feeling post like Your first online Game, it's hard and stupid to make plaggia...
But ok, no problem... I will simply move to a community where I am welcome as I am, where people do not force me to be someone else. I am not angry or whatever, just aware I am on the wrong place.
NB: RisingStar is a gaming community, from UK, they speak english, they can curate my posts ... and no they do not speak french... they just care about the members.
English is my 4th language, so most of what you said here is just borderline stupid and ignorant. It's a fact that there's more english users on Hive, second most likely spanish and french is definitely way down the line. It's like I'd post in swedish only to a contest and expect them to "curate" me and give me the benefit of the doubt that I didn't plagiarise and on top of it know that barely anyone is going to consume it but I'd still be entitled to participate and be rewarded for it. Doesn't really make sense.
If there's a swedish speaking community and curation project then they'd curate it but still doesn't mean the creators of this contest would have to accept me for a prize or get voted from them without trusting that the curation project has curated the post. That would depend on the reputation of that project.
Anyway, yeah... not sure what you were expecting.
It's not really about valuing a language higher than another but more about accommodating for a bigger audience. Most people will skip a post in a language they cannot read and won't go through the trouble of translating the post.
Acidyo was probably speaking in general terms with his statement.
Well seems like we're at a crossroads. Have a good one :)
lol what
You mean vote here, not curate.
To add to what @pusen said, when curators don't speak said language, google translate won't really help to determine if it's original so they can't check for plagiarism, spun content and other forms of abuse when deciding to reward a post up.
I answered just here above.