Let's Play Gods Unchained !!

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello Gamers! How was your life today? On this bright day, hope you always in a good condition so we can play some games together.

Here we meet again in our beloved Hive Gaming community. In this occasion I wanna invite you to join NFT Games. Maybe one of you has known this game that's Gods Unchained. This is interesting NFT games you should play, the gameplay based on Trading Card Game (TCG), yes such as Yugioh. By playing this game, you are not only getting fun but also will get some additional income by winning Ranked mode or selling some NFT.

I have played this game for more than two years, and now still playing actively. In my opinion, Gods Unchained is the best NFT Games I played. I play it daily and spend approximately two hours a day. By playing Gods Unchained I get GODS token, it's so helpfull to help my financial. How to get GODS token? We can get GODS token by winning a Ranked Mode Gods Unchained. Here we get 10 times to play Ranked Mode Daily against oppenent, and if we win we can get GODS token. In this mode we also get Flux. Flux is used to crafting some cards to be able to sell the cards at Market.

How much I get from playing Gods Unchained? I calculate GODS token in a week and I can get approximately 15 to 20 GODS a week. It depend on the fragment, higher fragment of course will get higher GODS prize. Fragment itself is determined by the total of quality cards, what ranked we are on, and how many times we win the game. In this week I get: 15,40 GODS, and still fewer if compared by last week. Here is the detail:

Im not the best playing Gods Unchained game, if we see the Top Players, they can get more than 10 times what I get. Its so amazing prize!!

Here the GODS token price to USD chart.

The Artworks:

By playing, you are not only get additional income by Ranked mode but also from crafting cards and selling it on the market. Cards price depend on the Rarity and Quality. There are five rarity: common, rare, epic, legendary and mythic. And there are meteorite, shadow, gold and diamond. The Diamond is the highest quality, if you can do crafting the diamond you can sell it with higher price. Nowadays, the highest price is held by "Blade of the Creator" which is sell for more than $3,000,000,-. Of course you will be rich if you have it.

Diamond Quality

Gold Quality

Shadow Quality

Meteorite Quality

With all of this, I suggest you to play Gods Unchained together with me, we can up rising the ranked together, and we can do the duel together. Will you join it soon? I hope you are interested and we play together.

I think thats enough for today, thank you for reading my post, keep your health, have a nice day and see you later.