My Mir4 Journey - Now with 80k Power!

in Hive Gaming3 years ago



This week I finally reached my 80k power. Due to my change of city, my UP ended up a little harmed, although I've been leaving the character collecting herbs or leveling up in some spot. But in terms of farming to improve equipment and look for something better these days were lacking. With that, I believe that as soon as I move the rest of my set to Tier 4 I will reach 85k.

Although I have materials for the vast majority of the set for Tier 4, I still keep gathering and hoping to get some in a raid and reduce the cost of my craft, and already saving material for some epic item.

Speaking of epic items, I've already started gathering my materials so that when I get a leather, scale or any of those items you need to be able to create some equipment being epic, I'll already have half of the items needed for the craft saved.

Another thing that will make me increase my power and maybe aim for 90k already, is the constitution UP, and CHI for TIER 7 and maybe some for TIER 8. All this because I've been making golds in the game, buying the necessary items to evolve the game. TIER (which makes it a lot easier) and I have saved over 70k ancestral coins, apart from some epic constitution and chi items already stashed.

I hope to achieve this within up to 2 weeks. See you in a few days to let me know how it went ;)



Essa semana enfim alcancei meus 80k de poder. Devido minha mudança de cidade, o meu UP acabou um pouco prejudicado, embora eu venho deixando o personagem coletando ervas ou upando em algum spot. Mas na questão de farm para melhorar os equipamentos e buscar algo melhor faltou esses dias. Com isso, acredito que assim que eu passar o resto do meu set para Tier 4 eu chegarei aos 85k.

Embora eu tenha materiais para a grande maioria do set para o Tier 4 eu ainda continuo juntando e torcendo para pegar algum em alguma raid e diminuir o custo do meu craft, e já ir guardando material para algum item épico.

Falando em item épico eu já comecei a juntar meus materiais para que quando eu conseguir um couro, escama ou qualquer um daqueles itens que precisa para poder criar algum equipamento sendo épico, eu já estarei com metade dos itens necessários para o craft guardado.

Outra coisa que irá me fazer aumentar meu poder e talvez mirar já 90k, é o UP da constituição, e CHI para TIER 7 e quem sabe alguns para TIER 8. Tudo isso porque venho fazendo golds no jogo, comprando os itens necessários para evoluir o TIER (o que torna muito mais fácil) e tenho guardado mais de 70k de moedas ancestral, fora alguns itens épicos da constituição e chi já guardados.

Espero conseguir isso no prazo de até 2 semanas. Te vejo daqui uns dias para contar como foi ;)


It's cool seeing you reach all these milestones. How are your earnings in this?

I had a focus on reaching level 40 and mining only. but as it was very competitive and the bots, I decided to level up more. at level 75 for example, i will have empty maps where i can make draco cool. However, the game allows me to sell items that I can collect, and this I just started looking at. practically I just had fun because I liked the game.

Have you been able to collect Draco? Or what happened with that project, I didn't continue playing it because apart from the fact that I couldn't defeat a boss, the phone slowed me down too much.

I replied to the other colleague about exactly this. And you can make other ways to earn in the game

Itens épicos é muito complicado, porém leva tempo para farmar os itens necessários... Caraca, como você conseguiu guardar 70k de moeda ancestral? Na primeira oportunidade eu vou comprando todos os itens para upar as constituition e chi, mas o seu propósito é o mais correto: Guardar p comprar as frutas épicas..Boa sorte..


Rapaz, basicamente eu demorava juntar os itens para promover o chi ou constituí para o outro tier. Então até eu juntar, matando monstros, praça, e Raids acabavam juntando as pílulas e os itens, e assim eu iria upando sem gastar as moedas.
Já estou com quase 80k delas kkk

The game looks pretty good, how long has it taken you to get to where you are?

I started on the 2nd of November. But, from that time until today I had some setbacks, which I must have missed about two weeks. in 2 months well focused you arrive