Hello there, I am new here and I am going to create some great posts to give you entertainment, the majority of my posts will be gaming related. The games that I plan to post about most often will be rocket league, fortnite and Minecraft. Whenever creating my posts I will include photos, videos and give tips and tricks.
I am a diamond player on rocket league, which means I have a diamond seasonal rank! I'm trying to achieve a champ seasonal rank. I am also an OG Fortnite player since I started in season 2, I would call myself a decent fortnite player.
Thanks for reading
HyPe jk
PS. I hope that you had a merry merry Christmas and will be able to achieve what you want to achieve in all of the games that you play in the new year!
Welcome to Hive! I look forward to reading all about your gaming adventures!
Welcome to Hive and the gaming community!