Beginning with the completely free, Epic Games listed Dead By Daylight and While True: Learn[]. The only thing you need for these games is an actively registered account which is completely free. I do not know too much about the other, but I do know about Dead By Daylight which is a pretty popular online game and a pleasant surprise to be on here.
I will definitely be picking both of these up, because why not. I mean even if I never play them, I can get them for free and it doesn't hurt me at all in the long run having it or not.
In short, Dead By Daylight is where you play with a team of survivors, and you need to try and survive as long as possible and escape while one player is a killer. The killer's goal is to find all of the survivors and sacrifice them before they can escape. Very much similar to the Friday the 13th game that released if you have seen gameplay of that.
Although it is not free just yet, I am excited for Prison Architect as I've watched videos of it and seems like a fun game to just pass the time with.
For all of you that have Amazon Prime, you can claim one Twitch Prime subscription to your favorite streamer per month as well get some pretty cool rewards. Check out the rewards here if you're interested!
Who says Mondays are bad days, I just found another good FREE game while looking for some pictures for this post. I hadn't even realized Journey to the Savage Planet was free.
Journey to the Savage Planet
JSP is a survival game that allows you to develop gadgets and acquire loot from scavenging, killing monsters and exploring. It is much like Subnautica which is a very well known game for its simplicity but being masterfully crafted for story, building and exploring. I watched one video of this game and fell in love with it instantly, but besides what I could extract from that, I do not know to much of the game at all. I will definitely be redeeming that code as soon as I am able. (Link to JSP is here. Redeemed on GoG)

I really fell in love with the visuals and aesthetics of this game, I don't know, it just gave me Spiro vibes which is a game I grew up playing all of the time. Also some of my favorite games ever have consisted of survival, slow gadget progression and exploration.
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit and the Main Reason for this Post
I don't think I have talked about my early racing game love when I was younger, but yes, racing was primarily the only types of games I played when I was younger. Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit might as well be called Need for Nostalgia with how fast I redeemed that sucker. I will admit, it is a remastered version from EA but it seems to be mostly a graphical upgrade from what I could tell. (Link to this can be found here. Redeemed on Origin)
It is not Forza 5 or anything, but boy is it a really fun game! This NFS is not your typical racing game that is just going lap after lap, no this sucker has cops that chase you and try to "bust" you during the race. This aspect really changes up the game as it is not just the racers trying to beat you, you now have cops running into you making the race challenging.
Another Twist! You as well as the cops have tools and equipment to take out the competition and keep the player in check. Ultimately, we have the EMP, Spike Strip, a jammer, and turbo. I have not acquired the turbo yet but I just love the spike strip. One of my favorite clips, showing the car crashing from the spikes, is super satisfying and keeps me going for more.
On the other hand, you can also play as the police and "bust" the racers and do trial challenges to unlock cars. I find this the most fun as you get soo excited smacking into a racer going 100+ MPH and crashing them.
The police also have different equipment, but it mostly just slows down cars or spikes them. With that being said, the cops have a helicopter, roadblocks, EMP and spike strips.
While this game has a photo mode, I had to use it to pause and make filters, but then use Nvidia's Photo mode to actually take a picture. Maybe I am missing something but I can't seem to figure it out, and this worked for me. Here are some pictures I made on the game while playing!
Honestly, I don't remember if this was in the original game but it is a really cool addition to see, as well as all of the options you have to make for a good picture. I was able to mess with the focal length and depth of field that makes for amazing shots of your car and the background, whether it be cops, racers, or the environment.
Until next time...
Hot Pursuit Remaster for FREE? Nice! That is a solid grab right there. I've yet to play that one but remember loving the original Hot Pursuit back in the day. Actually, I think it was the first-ever NFS that I played.
Do I see Godfall Challenger edition for free as well? I am getting that one for free tomorrow, going to be playing it a bunch I'm sure. I believe it has cross-platform capabilities, maybe we can link up on there sometime. That would be dope!
Same! There's a specific map that I used to play on PS2 NFS and I would just replay that singular map over and over again for hours. Need For Speed was one of the pioneers in racing back then I think.
I had to do a 180 and look again because I didn't even see that one lol. I am not sure if I'd like it but I'll for sure pick it up while I can so we can play Godfall.
Good thing we learned that driving as we do in NFS doesn't translate well to real-life... well at least partially, some things work just fine if you know when and where to do it.
I just downloaded Godfall. Looking to try it out tonight. It looks like it will at least be fun for a bit, may get old quickly. I can't wait to see how pretty and smooth it is on my PS5 and giant TV.
I'm glad you had the opportunity to test your skills from NFS, still waiting for that perfect time on my end lol
Hey there you go! I have yet to add it to my account but with all going to plan, I'll do it out of work and not forget.
Very interesting. I need to start remembering to check this on a monthly basis. Who knows how many games I have been missing out on over there years by having a Prime subscription and not keeping track of it!
You should! I noticed while taking pictures that prime games are released free every month, while some rewards for current games (warzone, valorant, WoW, etc.) are different time schedules. and of course as you saw, epic does it twice a month. I make sure to check all the time because I'm cheap and many really good games come out through those channels.