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RE: Battlefield 2042 Beta - First Impressions

in Hive Gaming • 3 years ago

What a great video! I'm not even gonna lie, you had me laughing so hard when you came in to shoot that guy and missed every shot and died at 6 minutes 😂

Man watching your video is soo giving me the "JUST DO IT" vibe right now and it's going to be the curse of me. (buying the game, that is.)

 3 years ago  

The gunplay in this game took some serious getting used to. My first game was really rough.

If you know you’re going to fantastize about playing this game AND you can afford to purchase it, then why not? I am able to tell myself no, but if it’s something that I know I’m not going to stop wanting… then I just pull the trigger.

I hate how simply you put it. I'm buying now, let's hope the PeakD gods bless me with a post that pops off to help pay for pre-ordering it.. oh and me liking it haha

 3 years ago  

If a post pays for your game, that is a true blessing. Never know, all it takes is for the right curators to see it. Either way, you're going to be happy playing this game no doubt. It is the latest and greatest version of Battlefield.