TFT's first HiveGaming tournament - First round I will try to win GO! [ENG/ES]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


¡Saludos mi gente! Hoy traigo algo especial y es que nuestro amigo @incublus ha organizado un torneo de TFT para la comunidad de Hive Gaming, el torneo consta de 3 partidas y los mejores clasificados recibirían un premio en Hive y Ecency, han sido unas partidas super divertidas y que seguro os gustaran, empezamos por la primera, lets go!

Greetings my people! Today I bring something special and is that our friend @incublus has organized a TFT tournament for the Hive Gaming community, the tournament consists of 3 games and the best classified would receive a prize in Hive and Ecency, have been super fun games and that surely you will like, let's start with the first, lets go!

Momentos Clave|
Best Moments

Quería tener un inicio fuerte pues ya sabemos que este meta el slow roll esta bastante débil, saco corazón de Tirofino pero no logro sacar una mesa realmente fuerte así que comienzo colocando lo mejor que puedo y a esperar contrincantes.

I wanted to have a strong start because we already know that this meta the slow roll is quite weak, I take out Tirofino's heart but I can't get a really strong table so I start placing the best I can and wait for opponents.

No es hasta la la 2-3 hasta que logro estabilizar, sin embargo aun a mi composición le falta daño, espero conseguir algo que me ayude a cambiar de situación para salir del fondo de la sala.

It is not until 2-3 that I manage to stabilize, however my composition still needs damage, I hope to get something that will help me to change the situation to get out of the back of the room.

Saco una Samira pero como se aprecia en la foto ya había perdido casi la mitad de la vitalidad, ahora con la Samira solucionaba mi mayor problema que era la falta de daño, empieza mi momento aunque tengo que apresurarme porque sino me quedaría demasiado por detrás.

I took out a Samira but as you can see in the picture I had already lost almost half of the vitality, now with the Samira I solved my biggest problem which was the lack of damage, my moment begins although I have to hurry because otherwise I would be too far behind.

Me sale una mejora muy buena que potenciaría a la Samira un 30% daño así que no dudo y la tomo, porque Senna ademas me aporta Tirofino va perfecto.

I get a very good upgrade that would boost the Samira 30% damage so I do not hesitate and I take it, because Senna also gives me Tyrophin is perfect.

Para la ronda 4-7 ya iba bastante fuerte aunque ya me empieza a hacer falta subir a mi Samira al 2, esta partida estuve mucho rato sin daño y no quería perder por falta de daño.

By round 4-7 I was already pretty strong, although I was starting to need to raise my Samira to 2, this game I had no damage for a long time and I didn't want to lose due to lack of damage.

Subo la Samira al 2 y ahora realmente meto miedo, es posible incluso que gane si la mesa no esta muy fuerte, pero realmente hay rivales muy experimentados así que empiezo a pensar que hacer para mejorar.

I raise the Samira to 2 and now I'm really scared, it's even possible to win if the table is not very strong, but there are really very experienced opponents so I start to think about what to do to improve.

Subo de nivel y meto mas tanqueos, aun así viendo a los demás ya me daba cuenta que necesitaría algo mas para ganar por lo que me planteo buscar a Samira 3 aprovechando mi banca de pandora.

I level up and put more tanks, even so seeing the others I realized that I would need something more to win so I consider looking for Samira 3 taking advantage of my pandora's bench.

Lamentablemente no alcanzo a sacarla y en la siguiente imagen podrán ver como termina mi mesa, si la suerte sonreía pude haberla sacado pero no siempre pasa, y así termina mi primer round con un 4 lugar, no esta mal, espero para la siguiente tener un poco mas de suerte.

Unfortunately I did not manage to pull it out and in the following image you can see how my table ends, if luck smiled I could have pulled it out but it does not always happen, and so ends my first round with a 4th place, not bad, I hope for the next one to have a little more luck.

La partida no termina ahí, pues mis amigos @incublus y @sydechan ahora estaban en una aguerrida lucha por el primer lugar, al final el organizador del evento se lleva la gloria pero aun quedaban 2 partidas en las que todo podía pasar y les aseguro sera MUY EPICO así que no se pierdan mi siguiente post hasta la próxima o/.

The game does not end there, because my friends @incublus and @sydechan were now in a fierce fight for the first place, in the end the organizer of the event takes the glory but there were still 2 games in which anything could happen and I assure you it will be VERY EPIC so do not miss my next post until the next one o/.


Our first tournament was really, in a word, perfect. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot. I won the first game of the tournament and I probably could have won the others but I let the others win haha. Just kidding, it was a really competitive tournament. We can see that by the fact that 2nd and 3rd place have the same points.

Well, I went up the ladder... Eighth, Seventh and finally Sixth place xD

It has been a good experience in which I also learned a lot.

You'll be better step by step bro. Don't worry about it. I'll think about more tournaments.

Okay, I'll keep on practicing.

jajaja! Of course, it was a great experience, we hope it will be repeated :D! while I'll be doing the post of the 3 games, let the world know that tft is played in hive hahaha!

Yes! Everybody else will know about our tournament soon.

I would have won easily, I gave all of you chance to win by not knowing a thing about the game haha.


Esa partida tuvo un final épico, por un momento pensé que le quitarían el TOP 1 a incublus hahaha.
Tu mesa estuvo bastante fuerte, me di cuenta que en esa ronda que perdiste, fue por el MordeKaiser, prácticamente te barrio todas tus fichas de daño. Igual lograste quedar en el TOP 4, un buen puesto para sumar puntos =)

incubus y syde estaban demasiado poderosos en esa partida, pero bueno lo importante al final es puntuar!

 2 years ago  

Que buena partida, primera vez que jugaba Amenazas en mucho tiempo, pero al final un top 3 no me vino mal. Que presentación tan GOD, quien es ese chaval tan carismático.

el oldfool carreando desde la intro :3

 2 years ago  

I would say it was the best and funniest game I have had in a long time, it was great to play with you brothers, very epic, I hope for the next one I will reach your level.

Entrenale, este juego es pura practica para saber hacerle la vuelta a la mala suerte jajaaj!

Wow, it looks like they had a lot of fun!! I didn't understand much about the game but I do notice that strategy is needed to hit the enemy xD

Yeah! is a full strategy game, we have a great time even though we are all competitive, we are friends and we enjoy playing.