Hail noble lords of Calderan, today marks 17 days since the release of Crownrend and much has changed since then. I will share with you some updates on the game and my progress.
Images taken from Crownrend website
In my previous post, I talked about the basics of the game and what they do. Let's start with what has changed with the updates. Army Tactics and Army Speed are now much more important in the game, because before, if an attack was intercepted, you would lose 1-5% of the denars you didn't claim. Now this has been reduced to between 5-25%. Let me give you an example of how this changes things. Imagine I have 5 denars and I'm going to make one last attack, and if I lose 25% of them, I've lost an additional attack and I've lost 1.25 denars.
One of my attacks from my sub-account was intercepted and as you can see I lost 12% of my unclaimed denars, that is 0.33 denars. If you consider that this is equal to the denars I earned in 2 attacks, you will understand how big a loss it is.
A mechanic called unrest has been added to the game. This mechanic forces you to move forward in the game. If you haven't spent any denars to boost your account for 3 days, your production will decrease and drop to zero. This greatly prevents bots or sub-accounts that only try to farm denar in the game. I didn't realize how quickly 3 days passed and suddenly I saw that production stopped. I thought it was a bug, but then I learned the correct working principle of the mechanic thanks to the Discord server. If you haven't joined yet, be sure to join.
In my previous post I told you that there is a currency called Orichalcum but I didn't know what it was. Now I know! It's a currency that you use to power up your items. For example, when you buff a legendary item, its stats will at least double, which is priceless. As for how to get it, you can get some Orichalcum when you burn the items you have. I don't know exactly how much Orichalcum you need for a buff, but I will find out in a while.
Vault mechanics have changed. It used to be that you could increase your unclaimed denar limit to 10 with just 1 boost. Now you get 5% more limit for the price you paid for the boost. So even if you boost 3 times, you can only have a limit of 8 unclaimed denars. It's not a big nerf, but it's bad for new players.
To talk a bit about my progress, I saved 100 denars and opened a chest. Unfortunately, one of the worst items in the game came lol. This item strengthens the weakest features in the game in my opinion. Army Morale and Army Leadership. Because it only changes the critical hit probability of your attack on the opponent or the attack on you. I always considered myself unlucky but I didn't expect to be this unlucky. Will I open another chest? I don't know.
Here is a screenshot of my account on January 25th. Being an idiot I forgot to take a screenshot 15 days ago, but all the stats are at most 3. I didn't know how to manage anything because I was new to the game at that time lol. Now I'm focused on the two most important stats in the game, Army Strength and Army Toughness, and I already got them to level 10. This allows me to get much more efficiency from my attacks and my attackers steal less loot. I also increased tax efficiency and vault level a bit. I don't know what my next upgrade will be. Maybe I should save 100 denars for Mine Level?
I'm 49th in the player rankings. Maybe you won't believe me, but when the game first started, when I posted my first post, I was in the top 10 because there were less people playing and people weren't buying denars like crazy! Now I'm worlds away from Acidyo who was first lol. But believe me, with a few lucky chests I can be in the top 10 again. That's how powerful the items in the game are. If you join the Discord server you will get a screenshot of some of the items. These are crazy. One more thing, as far as I can see, there are 1326 accounts in the game right now. Let's check that again in the next update and see how much it's increased.
Finally, I'll share with you my most profitable attack and my biggest loss. As much fun as it is to talk about attacking, it's just as bad to talk about losing. The most denar I looted in a single attack is 1.72. The most denar I lost is 4.05. So my loss is about 2.5 times my gain. That feels terrible. I'll tell you something that feels even worse. One of the last days I was doing my attacks and just when I was about to claim my denar I was attacked and I lost all the denar I earned in 8 attacks in 1 defense, I hope I don't experience that again. That was terrible timing.
That's all for now. I will post my next post in a week I think. I love this game and I can't wait to attack every 4 hours haha. I can be your next target or you can be my target. See you soon!
An enjoyable game.
Keep opening crates. Even if they turn out bad, you can sell them for a small loss.
ORI is required when upgrading items. How do you get ORI?
I mentioned that on the post, didn’t I? You can get some with burning items
Onu biliyorum, ona değinmişsin de. Tek bir sandık açtığını düşündüm. İki sandık açtın, itemlerden birini yaktın o zaman.
Bir tane sandık açtım, ekran görüntülerinde gördüğünüz gibi Ori’ye sahip değilim. Sadece discord konuşmalarında öğrendim yakılarak elde edildiğini
Good going so far, launch of Alliances today could see a few people changing positions on the leaderboard with +5 Strength +5 Toughness
Agreed, Alliances doesn't change a lot right now but I'm sure devs have some plans about it. +5 STR and +5 TOU is pretty good too. I have 10 STR and 10 TOU. It can make me stronger %50 😂
hahaha, what bad luck you had with that chest.
Encourage you to open two more, who knows, and in one of them you might get something worth the bad luck you had opening the first one.
Hmm, so you encourage me. Challenge accepted. I'll accumulate 200 more denars and we will see!
I'm still not totally sure what strategy to adopt. I try to push army strength and army toughness in the first place, hoping it will pay in the long run...
This is the strategy we mostly do. If you check top players they focus Str and Toughness too