Hey gamers, today I'm going to share with you not only one of the fun games I've played but also an incredible bug in the game as you can see in the title. This is a bug that you can be first even with 1 star Yasuo.
You can watch my gameplay here:

Annie visited us this game and told us that all augments in the game will be gold. Maybe some nice champion augments or something like that would be good.

I chose Portable Forge as the first augment. It allows you to choose a artifact item from 4 items. I chose Prowler's Claw, with this item Talon can destroy his opponents by constantly jumping.

I started the early game with duelists because it was a strong start and I was beating my opponents one by one. At the end of phase 2, I saw the game-breaking champion. As you can see, Janna's ability grants shield to her opponents, which should normally grant 15% attack power to her teammates. But due to a mistake, it gives 100 times that! So 1500%. If you want to know how this breaks the game, just watch XD

If you look at the last fight of stage 2, the fight lasts only 2 seconds. Janna throws a shield, Yasuo, Fiora and even Irelia start blowing their opponents to death. I didn't realize at the beginning that this was so broken and I was trying to figure out how I was winning fights like this.

For the 2nd augment I chose Spear's Will, which gives your team 10% attack power and 10 mana. Believe it or not, the only reason I chose it is because Janna shields faster XD

Yasuo even kills Galio summoned by 6 Cultist in two hits when he gains shield XD

Thanks to this bug, I was able to finish the mid-game on a winning streak. The reason why Yasuo is extra broken with Janna is that he jumps to the next one after each kill thanks to the Prowler's Claw item.

I had another opponent playing Enlightened composition. I don't know if he was aware of this bug like I was, but I managed to beat him. The Spear of Shojin item I gave to Janna played a big role in this.

If you're guaranteed to win, why not turn it into gold? The Malicious Monetization augment allows you to earn 2 gold from champions you kill for the next 3 turns. That means you can earn 16 gold from level 8 opponents in one round.

I gave the items to Talon and now he's a monster too. The only problem is that he is an assassin so Janna doesn't throw her shield at him first.

I lost against the Cultist composition because Talon died without killing the opponents thanks to the Janna shield. Is 3 stars Twisted Fate this bug's counter?

I think some people noticed the bug and got mad at me XD I agree with them, it's impossible to fight against something like that.

I killed the mage composition and that was too easy. By the way, Talon's best items are Prowler's Claw, Hand of Justice and Infinity Edge. With these items he turns into a monster and kills all opponents in one straight hit.

This opponent was trying to make a Morgana carry. Under normal circumstances, your second carry should be Morgana, but with a bug like this, I would give all mana items to Janna. If I had 3 Spear of Shojin I would give them all to Janna XD

Wait, what? 51k damage? This Talon must be crazy. I replayed the fight in slow motion and he kills the last opponents in half a hit xd

In the last round of the game, my opponent was in for a surprise. Talon 3 stars!

I defeated him easily, but now I'm kicking myself. Why did I never look at the attack power of a champion that gets a shield? I wonder how much attack power they had. Or maybe I should have sold all the champions and left only Talon and Janna. I should have tested if they could win the game with just the two of them.

Anyway, it was an interesting game thanks to Riot Games' big mistake. I was unaware of this mistake when I started this game and I just wanted to try this composition. Thanks for reading, take care!
This bug is crazy man. 1500% attack power is just ridiculous. Riot really needs to fix this, but I’d totally abuse it first 👀
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