Hello my gamer friends, the new set is just around the corner and interest in the game has waned. But there are still some fun things out there, so I keep trying them out.
You can watch the gameplay video here without commentary:

This game Ornn visited us and brought 2 component item anvils. This is not a game changing portal.

I chose Power Up as the first augment because it makes sense to strengthen my next augment. It's just that this augment doesn't feel as valuable when it's gold instead of silver, but being able to choose a prismatic augment puts you way ahead in the game.

I spent the early game on a losing streak, unfortunately I lost a lot of HP. It's not good to take such heavy defeats but I couldn't control it lol.

The second augment was prismatic as I wanted. Here I chose Immovable Object. This augment is good for assassins because you put your champions side by side. You get a Randuin's Omen and the area of effect increases to two cells and the effect increases by 50%.

Since I wanted to play this augment, I searched for a Zed selected at level 5 and managed to find one, so from the middle of tier 3 I started a winning streak thanks to the 3 star Zed.

Especially when the opponents can't kill Zed quickly, he regenerates health and doesn't die. Moreover, he keeps gaining extra attack power as he deals damage.

I chose Coronation as the last augment, which allows you to earn a Tactician's Crown. In addition, champions you give this type of items that allow you to place an extra unit on the board gain 25% attack speed, 25% attack power and 35 ability power. It turns into a kind of carrier item.

Zed's best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Edge of Night and Quicksilver. We don't prefer life stealing items because the Slayer trait provides life steal. We also need Quicksilver to prevent him from getting crowd-controlled by opponents. I already told you how much crowd control is in this set, you can see it for yourself in the video.

We will use Kindred and Pyke as side carries. Pyke will give us a high level of crowd control and Kindred will fill in the missing damage.

Lineup is very important when playing assassins or playing against assassins. The faster you can kill the opposing carrier or protect your carrier, the more likely you are to win the game. As you can see now, I killed the enemy carrier quickly and won the round. This was his last round.

Remember the Neeko carrier I shared with you in the past? Nuclear bomb! My opponent was playing this composition but he failed to make Neeko 3 stars, I guess he didn't know how to play the composition as well as me because he was using Yuumi as his pick. Nevertheless, it was not easy to beat him.

Still, he wasn't as strong as my composition, so I managed to beat him and kill him. The Zed carrier isn't in bad shape either. You can change your composition to Adept or Mystic depending on your opponent. Since my opponent focused on skill power, I strengthened the mystic part.

Thank you for reading, I hope you had fun. If you are still playing this set, don't forget to share it with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day!
I already voted the new proposal 👋