Bite Them Rek'Sai! TFT - League of Legends

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Hello to all of you! I've been focusing on posts where I share my personal thoughts rather than game posts for a while, but that doesn't mean I stopped playing games. Set 9 wind continues to blow in TFT and I got caught in this wind. Although I can't play games all the time because I'm working hard, I try to play 1-2 games a day. Let's move on to the game without further ado!


You can watch the video here, unfortunately without commentary:

This game takes place in Targon's Summit universe. The speciality of this universe is to gain a normal or small champion replicator at the beginning of each stage. This means that reroll compositions will be played more. Or we might see some interesting 3 star champions.

I'm so used to playing with Twisted Fate in every game, and with the augment it offers, I can adjust my items as I want and play the composition I want, which I think is a very nice option. I don't have to choose any composition at the beginning of the game and I can play flexible.

Rek'Sai is a very strong champion in the early game and when he has good items, even his 1 star state is enough to destroy opponents. Most of my champions are fighters anyway, and when I found Rek'Sai I didn't hesitate to play him. All I have to do is put all the bruisers on my board and then have fun.

After having a great early game thanks to Rek'Sai, the 2nd augment choice was going to decide the course of the game for me. I could either continue to play flexibly or choose a composition. Obviously I wanted to see the limits of Rek'Sai, so I chose the Bruiser heart augment, which allowed me to activate 6 fighter buffs early on. All I need is to find 1 Sejuani. Then Reksai will have a lot of health and will bite the opponents one by one!

I'm so strong that I was able to easily defeat this opponent who has 98 health and has only lost once before. Of course, using the right items played a big role in this. The best items for Reksai are Hand of Justice, Titan's Resolve and Bloodthirster. Thanks to these 3 items, Reksai can regenerate his health and at the same time deal high damage. He is already quite tanky thanks to his 6 bruisers buff.

The last augment choice was also very good for me because all my bruisers would gain attack power in proportion to their health. There is only one thing I missed here, my only carry is Reksai and the AD of other bruisers will not strengthen me. I think I could have found a much better augment that strengthens the whole team here. We will see the results of this decision in the future. For now, I should say that it was a good choice for me to continue my winning streak.

Losing the previous round had a very bad effect on my economy as I was very unlucky. Despite spending all my gold, I couldn't get Reksai 3 stars or any other buffs. Even Kaisa 2 stars, Sejuani 2 stars, Lissandra 2 stars could have helped me win here, but none of them materialised. I barely found 1 Sejuani, but on the bright side, even Reksai 2 stars is strong enough.

Holy Shit! Look at the damage! Reksai 3 stars is a real monster! My opponent Katarina had 3 stars and I had already accepted that the battle was lost, but Reksai killed Katarina with one bite. I didn't know he could do that.

I don't think Reksai is that strong when it comes to the late game. If you get a little lucky and complete this composition early, things might be different. Because your opponents can also be strong enough to beat you when they make all their champions 2 stars. Also, another mistake I made is not thinking about making my champions 3 stars. I should have thought about this in a game where I get a champion replicator at the beginning of each round. If I had a 3 star Kaisa or Yasuo, I could have won this game 100%.

Speaking of composition, this is a really simple composition. You use 6 bruisers + Lissandra + Kaisa. Your carriers are Rek'sai and Kaisa. All your champions are tanky enough, but your main tank should be Sejuani. The more 3-star champions you have, the stronger you will be, but your main goal should always be to make Reksai 3-star. Without him, the others don't matter.

By the time I tried to 3-star Kaisa, it was too late. My opponent had already 3-star Nasus and Reksai stubbornly tried to kill him. I could have won if he could infiltrate the back lines, but strangely he didn't. Even weirder, my opponent with Karma 3-stars defeated my opponent with Nasus 3-stars and won the game. What a game lol!

As I said I think this composition is very strong in early and mid game. It can also be strong in the late game depending on the situation. Maybe I didn't play it right. Who knows? If you know, don't forget to mention it in the comments. Thank you very much for reading. Take care and have a great day!

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 2 years ago  

I love the items that we can use to give more power to our heroes, especially the one that helps you to increase the attack speed with each hit, this is a good strategy for a team that attacks from afar and is fast, in particular it happens to me and it is very funny, good game man, although you did not win but you were at the end.

Yeah, I didn't win, but I was close, mate haha. My items was really good, but I guess it wasn't enough.