Ding Dong Rebel Zoe! TFT Set 13

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello my gamer fellows! I hope you're all well and doing well, I'm trying to spend more time on Hive these days and will continue to share fun TFT posts with you.


You can watch my gameplay here:

This game Vi visited us and gave us two item component anvils. In this universe, you can build your items early on if you determine the composition you will play early on.

The Rebel composition is very popular and powerful right now, so if you start the game with the Rebel crown, it makes sense to choose it.

I don't normally play this aggressively, but if I have the chance to activate 5 Rebels, why not do it? I can deal a lot of damage to my opponents early on and force them to be aggressive.

I should have been able to go on a 5-win streak very easily, but my opponents were too strong and I couldn't make any of my champions 2-stars, so I lost the 5th on top of a 4-win streak. It was sad, but not the end of the world.

Pandora's Reserves is a great augment if you're a little bit lucky because you can find a 5 gold champion early and if he turns into Jinx you can activate 7 Rebel early and even without that you can find an early Zoe.

The midgame wasn't perfect for me but it wasn't terrible either. I lost to the same opponent at the end of tier 3 as I did at the end of tier 2 and I didn't go on a winning streak XD TFT's matchmaking system can be frustrating sometimes.

For the last augment I chose Radiant Relics and picked Willbreaker, I was aiming for a better item but this will be a good addition. For example, Radiant Spear of Shojin would be great!

After finding Zoe and Illaoi, I activated the 7 Rebel trait, so the winning streak isn't that hard after that. Now I just need to find Jinx, the other carrier of my composition.

By the way, a feature called Anomaly has been added to the game. At the end of the 4th stage in each game, you can strengthen your 1st champion with a very different pool of stats. For example, right now Zoe will execute units whose health drops below 15% with her attacks and abilities. Isn't that cool?

Zoe's best items are Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet and Guardbreaker. As a tank, you can use Illaoi in this composition. Use whatever tank items you have. Warmog's Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Dragon's Claw will be good choices.

I finally managed to find a Jinx, which is very important because Jinx is one of the strongest champions of this set. Jinx's most important item is Spear of Shojin because otherwise she can't use her excellent ability that damages the whole board. For other items, you can choose the remaining Attack damage items. Infinity Edge and Deathblade might be the best choice.

At this stage of the game I'm getting quite unlucky because I have so many 5 gold champions in my reserves but they never turn into Jinx. If Jinx does this much damage even without being 2 stars, imagine if Jinx is 2 stars!

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make Jinx 2-stars, but I managed to destroy my opponents even in this state! It wasn't a hard game for me because Zoe was with me!

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. Have you ever tried this set of TFT?


Thanks for curating Melinda!

 2 months ago  

@tipu curate 8

Thanks for your support man

Supongo que este juego debe ser realmente bueno, ya me he topado con varios contenido de TFT. Tendré que probarlo en cualquier momento 😁

Creo que podrías intentarlo. Este juego solía ser muy popular entre los usuarios de Latin Hive. Sé que todavía hay gente que lo juega, aunque ahora no tanto.