Hello my friends, I hope you are well and that you were able to find some time for the game today. I took my coffee and played some TFT today and I am sharing with you one of the games I played, enjoy.
You can watch the gameplay here without commentary:

In this game Warwick visited us and told us that when you slaughter an opponent you can leave loot behind. So if you go on a winning streak in the early game you can set a good pace.

Gold for Dummies is a good augment for the economy in the early game. Every 10 seconds you get 1 gold for each dummy you have. If you can increase the number of dummies on top of that, you can get rich.

Even though I didn't close the early game with a full winning streak, I think my economy is very good and the dummy is definitely worth it. It gives me 2 gold per turn and I can also use it as a tank in the late game.

For the 2nd augment I chose Pandora's items. You haven't seen this for a long time, right? My items were terrible and I need to fix them somehow because items are important for the composition I'm playing.

Towards the end of the midgame, I went to level 7 and searched a bit to keep my winning streak going. I managed to make Gankplank and Swain 2 stars. My goal is to make these champions 3 stars because they are the main carriers and tanks of the composition.

For the last augment I chose Portable Forge, but unfortunately I couldn't find the item I wanted. My goal was to find a good damage or tank item here, but there were ability power items and they are not relevant to my composition at all.

In midgame I kept spending my gold to keep my winning streak going but I never found a Gankplank, not even close lol. I only found 4 Gankplanks when I had 3 star Swain. Maybe it makes sense not to push too hard and go for the level?

I love this anomaly, it makes an already good tank immortal. It gains 225 armor and magic resistance, but every second these additions decrease by 10. So it takes 23 seconds to get back to what it was. Isn't the fate of the fights already decided by then?

I hate 3 star Kog'maws, it gives me great pleasure to beat them haha. Because in the early game if you have some good tanks and 1 Kogmaw you can have a winning streak, which seems ridiculous to me.

If I need to talk about the composition, it is completed at level 8. 4 Form Swapper is a must for this composition. Your main carriers should be Gankplank and Jayce and your main tanks should be Swain and Elise. Gankplank's best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Infinity Edge and Last Whisper. The best items for Jayce are Spear of Shojin, Infinity Edge and Deathblade. This gives him a lot of damage. Our tanks are Elise and Swain. Give them the tank items you have and that's it, Redemption is always a good option.

This is why I hate Kog'Maw, as you can see he melts your champions fast and all he needs is good tanks. Maybe I should play this composition too, but anyway, good players find solutions, not excuses!

I can't believe how powerful this composition is! I can beat 8 Pit Fighters despite not having a 3 star Gankplank, so you can imagine how powerful that is. 2 stars Jayce is a destroyer!

Since all my opponents' tanks had too much health, I gave Jayce Giant Slayer, which allowed me to beat the Kog'maw composition very easily. Now I just need to beat 8 Pit Fighters!

What a mistake! My opponent placed Viktor on the board and gave him the Pit Fighter emblem, but the emblem was somehow bugged and he couldn't activate 8 Pit Fighters, so I won the battle easily. Normally, Gankplank was supposed to be my carrier, but with 2 stars left, Jayce became my main carrier.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to share your thoughts with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day!
This composition looks very interesting brother, I recently had my first gold range in the qualifier, the truth is that the sorcerers is a good composition, it has helped me to climb, I have improved a lot, but like everything, it is a matter of luck.
Yeah if you are lucky you can win with weak compositions too but if you are unlucky.. ı guess we all know what haplens 😂