Slayer Darius Carry! TFT Set 4.5 Revival

in Hive Gaming17 hours ago

Greetings! I hope everything is going well. In addition to the Frostpunk series, I will continue to share TFT games with you. Today I'm here with one of the most fun compositions in the set.


You can watch the gameplay here without commentary:

At the beginning of this game Annie visited us and told us that all augments in this game will be gold. I guess that doesn't really matter since there are no hero augments in this set. Maybe if you can find a Fortune emblem you can do something.

At the beginning of the game I was planning to play Darius carrier so I chose Heroic Grab Bag as the first augment. This augment gives us 2 small champion multipliers and 9 gold. I have already told you how hard it is to make a champion worth 3 gold 3 stars in this set.

From the very first fights, I can say that Darius is a joy to watch. If he kills his opponents with his ability, he can continue to use his ability on other opponents and kill them all by himself.

The early game was not bad for me. Despite 1 star Darius I won 3 fights and lost the last two. The good thing is that if I can find a Sejuani I can activate 6 Fortune.

The second augment I chose was Health is Wealth, which gives your champions 15% omniwamp and 15 gold when your champions regenerate 10000 health in total. Omniwamp is very important in Slayer composition.

For the last augment I chose Pandora's items. I would have liked to find a better fighting augment but this was my best option. I didn't want to take any risk.

At the beginning of stage 4 I managed to make Darius 3 stars, now the show begins! From now on all the fights will be very enjoyable to watch.

Darius is so strong that he allows me to win even against duelists, the strongest composition in the meta. The only problem is that the crowd control effects in this set take too long and I may need to give Darius Quicksilver later in the game. Speaking of items, I think Darius' best items are Bloodthirster, Jeweled Gauntlet and Hand of Justice. This way, Darius has both a high chance of critical hits and a high life steal rate.

Of course, Darius' power has started to decrease because my opponents have completed their compositions and their tanks can no longer be killed by Darius in one hit. This prevents him from using his ability consistently. I actually have Tryndamere as a side-carrier at the moment, but it's obviously not enough.

For example, this opponent of mine is countering Darius with Fiora. Because Fiora's ability stuns enemies for about 4 seconds, which is death if it hits your carrier. One of the most important things to balance in this set is these stun durations.

My opponent was also playing a duelist, but unlike the others, he failed with this lineup and Kalista fell prey to Darius' axe early on. Without Kalista, that composition doesn't work very well.

Against my opponent who was playing Fiora carrier, I took the measure I just told you about, I gave the Quicksilver item to Darius and now he is immune to crowd control effects. This is how I managed to beat him.

Unfortunately, all this strategy, playing well, 3 star champions, etc. means nothing. In the end everyone has to bow down to the Teemo composition XD I also lost in this fight and got frustrated.

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it. I would appreciate if you share your thoughts with me in the comments. Have you also suffered the wrath of the Teemo composition? Have you found a way to defeat it lol?

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