Hello, friends of @hivegaming, I hope you have a great morning.
The story of Resident Evil 4 Remake has allowed Leon and Ashley to reunite at the end of Chapter 9, but only for a short time. Seriously, this girl needs a bracelet with a locator or something, because she gets kidnapped more than your aunt Maricarmen when you go to the town and she insists that you spend all day with her and... what? Oh yes, the guide, the guide. Right at the start, look south of the cage to collect the treasures you got with Ashley (a Perfume Bottle, an Emerald and a Sapphire).
Now go to the room to the south. On a table in the first room will be the paper with the request Merciless Knight. Go west, we're going to ignore the main objective for a while to collect lots of resources and treasures. In the hallway before the clock room you'll find the third rat from the request you have pending, by the way. If you've missed any, these are the locations:
From the clock room go to the Library, where there will be at least two armors. Remember that they drop Spinels, so they're an interesting target to take out. Now go to the south end of the room, go up the stairs, and open Square Lock #03 to get the CQBR Assault Rifle. Now go to the upper room and open Square Lock #04, which contains a Golden Cat. If you want, go out the gate if you want and you can go down a ladder at the end, which allows you to quickly return to the Great Hall. However, the objective is to return to the Mausoleum, west of the Library and south of the clock puzzle room. There awaits the Merciless Knight, the enemy of the other pending request. Don't forget that you can kill him instantly with a blinder as soon as you blow his helmet off. If you're having trouble with the golden armor, if you stick to one of its sides and move around in circles with it, it will never reach you.
Return to the Peddler and deliver the requests, as well as sell whatever you want. It's worth noting that we recommend you have 80,000 pesetas to buy a Rocket Launcher and store it in the warehouse. Trust us, it'll be worth it, we guarantee it. Now you can go east. In the hallway where you see some mushrooms, you'll be attacked by the first Novistadors. These are basically giant insects. They're weak but very fast, and they're killed instantly by flash grenades, just like the pests.
The gate is closed, so jump over the left railing, take out another couple of enemies, and go up the stairs. In the room above there are a few resources and a note. In the next room, go down to the ground floor, being careful of the insects. Be careful because some of them change color and camouflage themselves. It's worth killing them all because they usually drop ammo and treasure. Now open the map and you should see two treasures on the ground floor: a Ruby and an Ornate Scarab.
After you get them, go up the ladder next to the scarab chest, to the northeast. You will find enemies and a crank that you must activate. Go back to the ground floor and go up the southern staircase. Apart from enemies and resources, you have another crank to activate in order to cross the portcullis to the east. When you reach the bridge you must shoot the counterweights to the right and left to lower it. The left one is quite low, you must move to the northern balcony to be able to shoot.
When you cross the door you will see that you are in a room with cattle and two clawers. As you will remember, these bugs are completely blind. Our first recommendation is that you wait for the cattle to reach the bottom of the stairs and throw a grenade to finish them off. Crouch and the clawers will not know how to find you. More cattle should come down from the first floor, finish them off quickly, so that the clawers do not catch you. Now look for some bells scattered around the stage.
The idea is to hit a bell with your knife or a pistol shot and get out of the way. This will attract one of the Garradores, who will stick to the bell and you can shoot him several times with something powerful and up close, like the shotgun. Another option (more advisable, actually) is to wait until they are both together and throw the high-powered grenades you have, if you have any. Once you have finished with one, the other one will not be as much of a problem. Keep in mind that the Ganados will continue to appear, but the Garradores can kill them. With the area clear, collect the two unicorn horns and you can open the door. Move forward until you see a cutscene. Cross the cave and, after crouching through an area, you should pay attention to the water: there are hidden Novistadors, you can detect them by the ripples and the bright green eyes.
Move forward using the map, the area is too confusing to explain. When you reach the northwest, go around the structure to find a hallway on the north side that leads to a Fancy Crown, back and front, like Captain Bogavante. This crown can be sold for 108,000 pesetas by embedding three red beryls and two yellow diamonds, so you better have them or wait until you have them. Now interact with the wall to open it and climb into a sewer. Watch out for the red beryl on a lantern along the way, and the resources you can collect. Keep going and you'll find the Peddler. If you didn't do it before, now is the time to get the rocket launcher and leave it in your inventory. You can sell the Fancy Crown. If it doesn't fit, leave the shotgun or rifle, you won't need them.
Before continuing, destroy the Mechanical Castellan #10. It will be if you look northeast of the intersection, between some bars.
As you continue down the next hallway, pay attention to the switch on the right with the green light. This button activates a shower of liquid nitrogen, it's important to remember its position.
Continue down the only possible path until you see a cutscene. Keep going forward and when you come across the floodgates, go north and activate a switch. This will open the floodgates, continue to the north end avoiding the monster's attacks when the tail appears. At the end you'll find another switch and after activating it, when you return, the Executioner will appear. Turn around, in this same room there is a shower of liquid nitrogen, activate it when he is close to freeze him. Without wasting a moment, take out the rocket launcher and finish him off before he thaws. The bug will drop the Golden Monocle, which doesn't count as treasure but can be sold as such. It may seem expensive to use the rocket launcher to kill the bug, but it is one of the most dangerous enemies in the game, and you would waste an indecent amount of ammo. Now all the rooms will be open, you can collect resources and the Yellow Diamond from the tunnel.
Now you can go to the elevator room and go up. When the sequence ends, you will go to Chapter 11.
The images were taken from my PS4
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