Guide #11 Resident Evil 4 Remake

in Hive Gaming7 days ago (edited)

When Chapter 10 of Resident Evil 4 Remake ends, you'll see the possibility of healing closer, or at least that's what our friend seems to have given us to understand. Although the cutscene that ended the previous episode makes it clear that we'll soon be dealing with someone scary. Right from the start, take a look at the map, grab resources and go south to reach the Peddler. Get an S Rank in Shooting Gallery 3 before continuing.

Then go up the stairs and go along the tracks to the northwest. Continue along the only possible path until you come across a group of Ganados. Be careful because among them is Salvador and one of the Bellas, the Ganados with the chainsaws. Take advantage of the enemies with dynamite to kill several at once. When the area is safe, open the map and you should see two treasures, for now you can reach the Sapphire in the northwest. Now you must go up the stairs to the south, to reach a control room where you can activate a lever. This mechanism will lower the bridge in the northern area, allowing you to advance and, in the process, collect the Golden Hourglass treasure

Pick up the Dynamite and return to the blocked tunnel to subtly unblock it with the explosives. Then, after a short while, you will face two giants. If you have a fully upgraded pistol, dedicate yourself to shooting non-stop, because Luis will constantly give you ammo. You can also use the lever in the center of the room, which allows you to eliminate one of them instantly, but that takes away the fun, don't you think? After eliminating the first one, dodge the battleship until Luis leaves. When your partner returns, you must position yourself under him, so that the giant approaches you. After the sequence, you can shoot the dynamite and then finish him off with gunfire, as with the other. Both will drop jewels that you can collect.

After finishing off the giants, lift Luis up on the southeast side. Shortly after, a stage on rails will take place, literally. You'll be riding a cart, using a Red9 with infinite ammo, and you'll have to follow Luis' instructions to lean to one side or the other, change rails, or shoot at the debris, all without letting the enemies attack you. When you reach the Station, kill the enemies and don't forget to pick up the Jarra treasure and destroy the Mechanical Castellan #11, which you'll see on the south wall of the center structure

Upstairs there's another section of cart, you know what to do. In this second part, you have to be careful because there will be parts where a Savior will stand next to you. You have to shoot him, preferably in the head, until he moves away. Otherwise he'll do a lot of damage to the cart, possibly destroying it. When the thing is over, you'll be in the Hive. Obviously, there are novistadors here. Be very careful as you move forward, because you have to pay attention to the ones that are camouflaged. Look for strange things on the walls, rocks with a different color than the rest of the ground... you know.

As you climb up the east side you can activate the quest The Height of Beehives. When you reach the northeast area, after climbing the slope, notice that under the hive, in the central area, you see some yellow masses: these are the "entrances" of the quest. You must shoot the slightly brighter part of the yellow part to destroy them.

You can shoot the four entrances from the northeast ledge. You will see the last one if you go to the westernmost side of the area and look up. Now, in the cave, don't forget to go west to pick up the Gold Bar (G) before moving forward. There is a small detour to the west on the ledge that you will duck through, and that takes you back to the Peddler before continuing south to the elevator. When you reach the top, you will see a cutscene... and the fight you have been waiting for will take place.

This fight is played out via parry, knife damage, and finishing. Be careful when Krauser jumps on you to attack you from behind, don't try to defend yourself blindly because you can't. You'll also have to pay attention to the Evade button, it won't be all about blocking, but dodging. Take advantage of Finishers
when you do some damage.

Keep fighting and attacking until the fight ends automatically, leaving you in Chapter 12.

The images were taken from my PS4

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