Guide #15 Resident Evil 4 Remake

Resident Evil 4 Remake has left us, at the end of Chapter 14, with one of the best moments reimagined with respect to the original. A fight that, if you ask us, far surpasses the one we saw the first time. But now it's time to continue with the story, we're getting closer to the conclusion of the adventure. Advance along the only possible path to a checkpoint full of enemies. Hold on for a few seconds and you'll receive unexpected support. Collect the resources in the area and lure the enemies to the open area in front of the checkpoint. Mike will kill most of them, but you should keep an eye on those who escape between passes. At the end you'll see a cutscene and he'll open the way for you. Make sure you pick up the Red Beryl treasure.

Continue along the only possible path to the next checkpoint and crouch under the barricades. Hold on there, don't move, until the pilot takes care of the matter. Height gives him an advantage, as Obi-Wan knew well. Well, okay, the combat helicopter gives height and artillery.

If you want, you can hold your position for another minute, so your air support can take out a couple of enemies that will be coming in as reinforcements. With the area clear, head up the stairs, shoot the lantern for a new Indigo Tear, and continue on. The helicopter will stop supporting you for a while, and you must advance, head-shotting the Gatling gunners to get around the tower. Obviously, you'll be attacked from all angles along the way with Molotovs, crossbows, and melee. Try to lure enemies into hallways, tunnels, and areas blocked from attacks from above. When you reach the back of the tower, head southwest up the stairs. Your objective is a turret on the southwest balcony, which you can use to take out the artillery piece.

Aim directly at the cannons until they're destroyed, then take advantage of the opportunity to take out any enemies you can from the turret. The helicopter will do the rest, and you can collect a ton of resources before moving on. There will still be two waves of enemies that the helicopter won't be able to help you against. The first one will be easy, but after the broken gate there are two gatling guns, one on each side. Take advantage of the little cover of the destroyed door to finish off the shooters before entering.

Now you must climb up to one of the two balconies (it doesn't matter which one) and activate the lever at the bottom. Quickly go back to the turret on your side, enemies will appear on the other side. Repeat on the other side to open the gate.

Continue along the only possible path until you see a cutscene. Then, eliminate the novistadors and go down the ladders to the southwest. You will reach a cave where, at the end, you can pick up the Crown Scepter. Back up, keep moving forward and you will see blue medallions. The paper that activates them is right next to the next door, so destroy all the blue medallions before continuing. This is the last Request, by the way.

Be careful because in the next corridor you will be attacked by a regenerator that will come out of one of the bags hanging from the ceiling. Try to back up to gain space. When you reach the Specimen Storage, pick up the Splendid Bracelet and destroy Clockwork Castellan #15.

In the next hallway, be careful of the flapping body bags. If you touch one, an Iron Maiden will appear, and you must reach the south side to activate a crank that will allow you to cross the door. You'll have to deal with two Iron Maidens... so be careful. The good news is that they get stuck in the hanging bags, giving you some room to maneuver. You'll reach the Peddler, behind which is an extra shooting gallery. There are no new objectives, though. Behind the south door, a final area awaits you, riddled with enemies. There will be a bit of everything, but luckily they don't appear until you're further along, so take it easy, killing enemies and collecting resources. Remember that you can use laser traps on enemies. There is a trick, but it's tricky: if you manage to get to the top of the northern area and move the turret, go down, go through and move the turret again, the enemies should not be able to follow you.

Obviously it's not easy, buuuut if you want something... When you're done, keep going and go through the double doors. Keep going until you get to Chapter 16.

The images were taken from my PS4

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