Beware the Dragon's Wrath!

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

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I really love this art by Yammy. You can find the original art here.

But what is this right? Well last year we got our first dragon character in Neuvillette. The story behind that is that the dragons believe the Archons like Zhongli stole their power so now he means to judge them for it. So Zhongli's running away. (the story is actually more complicated but this art is too funny to dismiss)

Anyway no new characters for this one. It's a pretty good banner though. Neuvillette is one of the best DPS characters since his release. He's very easy to use too. All you need is to fast charge his Charged Attack which you can do by either using his Burst or skill while being close to enemies. Then you use his Charged Attack by holding down attack and he shoots out this Hydro Pump attack for huge damage. And then savvy players found out you can actually spin around while he's doing that and then it doesn't even matter if you don't have good aim because he'll hit almost everything. But if you don't have copies of him then he can still get hit while doing this spin to win attack and that stops the attack. So that's where Zhongli comes in. He is still the best shield character in the game so you pair them together despite the aformentioned conflict they have in the story and they are already a powerful team.

But then you have Fischl and Yaoyao and excellent Electro character and a good healer/Dendro character. Putting Electro, Dendro and Hydro together creates Hyperbloom which is the game's most powerful reaction and does huge amounts of damage on top of what Neuvillette is already going to be doing. And to finish up the package there's Heizou so if you don't have Zhongli or Neuvillette you can still make use of him as your DPS because he's an Anemo character so you can Swirl any other element for high amounts of damage as well.

There's no real way to go wrong with this banner. I mean except if you were really hoping for Chasca and you couldn't get her. But even then, Neuvillette and Zhongli aren't bad consolation prizes. In fact I normally advise that if you don't have Zhongli to get him. I've been able to coast through this game since his release lol

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