Dangers Inside The Mountain Temple. Shadow of The Tomb Raider.

in Hive Gaming3 days ago

Hello Everyone.

In my previous post, I shared how I found the mountain temple and how we rescued Etzil successfully. However, Unuratu got caught by the cult soldiers in the process. She also made my way clear so I could use the serpent key to open the gate and move forward to the temple.

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As I mentioned at the end of my last post, I found a beautiful sight after I passed through the first gate. It was beautiful but treacherous as well. The cliff was too high to jump from, and the river had an immense current, making it impossible to jump into the river and swim. So I had to use some tricks and get down slowly from one step to another.

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Isn't the view just amazing?



There was a lot of swimming and jumping from high cliffs until I reached another gate that looked like it led to the bottom of the mountain. You'll see the journey in detail in the gameplay video.

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After reaching the path of the temple, I had to pass through a lot of challenges, including a lot of booby-traps.

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At the end of that path, I found a lot of dead bodies of Trinity soldiers and some of them were brutally murdered and hanged from the ceiling. I also got a shotgun after searching their dead bodies. I needed that shotgun to blast through a wooden gate and I believe it can be useful in fighting enemies.

All this time, I was hearing some movements but could not figure out what was causing the noise. Until I found out a bunch of enemies that I can't really describe. I don't even know whether to call them human or monsters or ghosts. But I recall seeing one of them killing a bunch of Trinity soldiers long ago in the jungle. And now I'm faced against them, and I needed to kill them.

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They were strong and fast, but the shotgun was really worth the trouble getting it as I was able to kill them one by one using the shotgun. And because of the higher firing range of the shotgun, I was able to hit them easily, too. But, I died the first time as I was not expecting them and, more importantly, this many of them. But I was able to kill them all at my second trial.

After killing them, I had to pass through a horrifying canal full of skulls and bones. I could even hear the sound of the skeletons hitting each other as I moved forward..

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After that, I found another gate, and to get past it and reach the next level, I needed to solve a small puzzle. Now, it's time to see what waits for me in the next step.

This was all for today, we'll find out what waits for us in the next step in my next post. Till then, stay tuned. I uploaded the gameplay video to my YouTube channel and am sharing it below. Please check it out, too.

I hope you liked my post and my gameplay. See you soon with more adventure, action and thrilling experiences.

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