Hacking into Jose Castilo's Security System. Far Cry 6.

in Hive Gaming5 months ago (edited)

Hello Everyone

In my previous post, I shared how I destroyed the air cannons and indicated that I was going on a big mission. But, it was bigger than I expected. I got that mission just as when I completed the mission of destroying the air cannons. It was to infiltrate an underground facility built at the bottom of a mountain hack into the security system of the Castilo and get access to their CCTV cameras.

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Then, I got on the jeep that I was driving and started heading towards my new mission location. This was the first time I was visiting this side of the map and because of that all the checkposts of the enemies were fully active and there were soldiers in every single place. And that caused my first trouble. I was not aware of the location of one checkpost and directly drove my car through it causing my tyres to burst.

The battle was normal at first and I easily killed the guards with my pistol.

But, soon the reinforcement arrived and man, they were tough as hell to kill. I mean, fully impossible. You can get a hint of it from all the blood, it was so much that even my pistol turned red.

I had to hide behind a rock to save myself from all those fires and heal myself. And here's one of the famous healing scenes of Far Cry. You can see my character pulling out a bullet from her forearm using a pair of pliers.

After coming out from the cover, I started to kill them in full battle mode. Didn't give them the chance to shoot me at all. But, they built an automated machine gun and it was giving me the most pain. As you can see the laser light in the shots, the gun detects me using this light and it deals a huge damage each time.

After killing the enemies, I destroyed the machine gun at the end.

These poor cows suddenly came in front of my car and two of them died in the accident.

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I didn't waste any time trying to kill the normal guards after I entered the secure area of the enemy. Cause, I was expecting a big fight and I need to reserve as much health and ammo as possible. I just drove my car and ran through all the blockades.

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I also did not waste any time trying to kill the soldiers at the gate of the bunker. I ran them over with my car and smashed them. You can see the blood splash in the second picture below.

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But there was an armoured soldier with a machine gun there who did not die in the car accident and I used the built-in machine gun that was on my jeep.

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This place was filled with CCTVs that could detect me and I had to avoid them and also destroy them to avoid causing any alarm.

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The whole place was like a maze and I got lost trying to find the surveillance room and soon found myself on the top of the bunker. But, I guess it was worth it as the view from up there was amazing. So, I took some shots of the open sea and the island, as there were no enemies at the top, and they were all busy trying to find me inside the bunker.

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  • Captured in Photo Mode:



After getting down from up there, it took me some time to find the room that I was looking for. I also found some more CCTV on my way and destroyed them.

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As soon as I got close to the room, the number of the enemies kept increasing and it was getting irritating to kill all of them one after another.

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Finally, I got rid of the guards and got my hands on the computer. And connected it to a pen drive that will do the rest of the work. I just need to hold the enemies for a few minutes so that they can't stop the process or destroy the system.



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But, as soon as I started the process, the enemy soldiers rushed in to kill me. But, there were too many more than normal. They were coming in constantly and I was too tired to kill them but as I had no other choice, I had to keep fighting them one after another. I'll add some images below so that you can get an idea of the battle.

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I'm just sharing the ones that I was able to take a shot of, there were many more. My silencer caught fire just at the beginning and it blasted due to heavy firing.

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I was confused about seeing all these enemies because there's always a limit to them and once you kill the main guards, there comes the first reinforcement and then the second one. And if you can kill them, you can complete the rest of your mission peacefully. But, later I understood that it was completely my fault. As you can see in the picture below, there's a CCTV with a scanning laser light which was detecting me and continuously sending a threat alarm to the enemies.

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After destroying it, I removed the drive from the computer and now it's time to escape the place. But the special force arrived by the moment and my escape was not going to be easy at all. My first encounter was with this officer of the enemy with a flame thrower. He was so tough that I was not getting any chance to heal myself and kill him. Also, because of his heavy armour, he was not taking much damage. In the end, I had an idea and shot the fuel tank on his back. The blast almost killed me too but I was successful in killing him.

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After getting out of three bunker areas, the mission was completed and now I need to get back to the camp.

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But, my bad luck. A helicopter arrived at the scene and I had no way to destroy it. Because I was all out on ammo and everything due to the long fight and there was no machine gun nearby to destroy it.

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I tried to shoot the engine with my sniper rifle but I didn't have enough ammo. Meanwhile, it was constantly shooting me with a machine gun and I was busy healing. You can see that my character is using a ducktape in the image below to cover her wounds.

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I had no other way but to run away. I used the trees and bushes to hide myself while running away. But the helicopter chased me till the end and I finally reached a fishing village.

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There I found this jetty port and hid under it. Luckily the helicopter couldn't see me down there and eventually, it lost my trail.

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I've uploaded the gameplay video to my YouTube channel and put the link below from there. You can watch the whole gameplay and enjoy the full experience.

I hope you liked my post and the gameplay video. Follow my profile and stay tuned for future posts.

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Thank You

 5 months ago  

Far Cry definately has some funny healing animations... if only was this easy to heal in real life. My favorite one is the one with fixing the finger joints (don't know if it is in FC 6 too) xD

It is in FC 6. But you get to see it barely. I only saw this healing style once while playing the game and it was only recently.

The island looks so beautiful. @tipu curate 8

Glad you liked it and thanks a lot for the tip. Appreciate it.

You are welcome :)


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/10) @danzocal tipped @itadori-yuji