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RE: TFT: I love this game but I need a break, even the nerfs. Voy a dañar mi mouse si sigo jugando.

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

I've seen some posts of @incublus about this game and although I don't understand this game much and I like the character designs the most, they look attractive.
BTW, Yuumi carry looks Byzantine Kitty of splinterlands.

 2 years ago  

It's a pretty entertaining game once you get the hang of it, although it's RNG based so that can get a bit frustrating at times.

Of course, its character design is those of League of legends, that's why it's so good, you should encourage yourself to try it, you may get bored very fast or end up loving it.

Sounds like I need to give it a try once I get much tree times. Thanks for the recommendation.