I just finished my school works right now and it is already 11 PM while I am writing this. I just remembered about this Hive Gaming contest and I have to be awake and finish my entry because I've got a day before the contest ends. I was supposed to join @Perceval contest but he told me to prioritize first this contest and I can proceed with his contest if I got time.
I am a bit sleepy writing this one but who cares about it when I have to share some amazing gaming memories that I have experienced.
When I was a kid, I really love playing outdoor games. Running from one place to another under the heat of the sun. It was really fun playing outdoor. In that time, computer shops were not that common in our place yet so I do not have time to play computers and my mom can not buy one for me. Actually, I am that kind of person who does not force my mom to buy things because I grew up in a not so wealthy family.
When the gameboy had gone trending and popular in our place. I really wanted to have one but my mom said that we should just prioritize what's necessary first. And so, I just did not force her and just watch while my friends were playing . When my friends got bored, I ask them if I can borrow and they are kind enough to let me play for some time. They also wanted to let me play so they can have more pokemons and upgrade their level. And this point of time, I wanted to spend more on video games that outdoor. While we are playing outdoor, I just wanted to rest for a while and borrow my friend's gameboy. It is my technique so I can play more video games.
One time, I've got a friend who is rich, my close neighbor, has bought a play station. Me and some of my friends who does not have one were really mesmerized by the play station of my neighbor. After we play outdoor games, usually in the afternoon, we will go to our friends house to play this. But every afternoon, my mom always let me go to sleep and scold if I won't. And I, being a naughty kid, I would pretend to sleep for a while, and then sneak and go to my friends house. The thing that is going on my mind is that I feel very envious while I am sleeping and my friends are playing so I need to sneak and play. We play play station until the evening before dinner. And sometimes, my mother have not known that I did not sleep in the afternoon. But often times, I got caught on action while playing so I got slapped in my butt and worse is that sometimes she slaps my butt using belt. It hurts but still, I repeat on doing it everyday.
And here comes the time where a computer shop was built in our neighbor. Friendster got popular and then Facebook and comes the Facebook games. I really got addicted to playing in the computer shop because yes, I am still ignorant to many things and in my addiction I steal some coins in my mom's purse. I just steal a little so I won't get caught. Another thing is that when facebook games have gone popular, I got addicted to tetris and I really got super crazy in leveling up to become a Tetris God. What's good about that game is that I played 1 versus 1 with my friends and we like bet on some things sometimes money or a kind of dare.I really can not forget the time when I insert some old coins( that are not valid for purchasing money in that time ) in the coin slot. My mother got several ancient coins that are stacked and not usable so I use it so I can play Tetris and level up. When the owner gets the coins in the shop, he saw the old coins that I put into it and the child me has to act like I do not know who put that thing. It was the child me though, I have change now. And just last year, on March 30 , Tetris has been shut down. I feel so sad because I really put a lot of effort into that and there are times when my Tetris energy has been drained, I have to chat some friends to request some energy so I can play more. It was a bit sad but there's nothing I can do about that.
The game was gone but the memories last forever
Another facebook game that I really got addicted to was Pet Society. It was really popular all over the world because who does not like making houses and stuff, right?. We even have a competition of having the best house with my friends. What I like more with this game is that you could visit your friends' house and do activities with the pets. But again, just like Tetris, it was shut down.
I really put much effort into this game. I really had spent much time in feeding my dragons, leveling it up. I also like the breeding system of the dragon because you could breed dragons with different elements and the offspring will be the combination of the two elements. Actually, in this game, I got millions of gold. Wanna know why? I am a cheater. Yes, because of my desire to have a better and stronger dragons as well as the city, I searched for some cheats so I can have lots of golds and gems in the game. I guess I used cheat engine or the dragon city on facebook gold cheat on some site. Some of my friends are still playing this one because there is a mobile version for this. I am supposed to also play but my phone memory is running low and the RAM is not that big . I already have downloaded apps for my online classes so I have to prioritize it first. I am gonna download you soon dragon city mobile.
This was also one of the RPG games alongside with Adventure Quest. I really like adventure games and RPG. Just last year, I guess, I though of opening my Adventure Quest account as well as my Dragon Fable but I could not open it. There was this lost password option but I am a kid when I created that account and for sure my email was already gone long ago. My email for sure, when I was kid, maybe like "[email protected]". Things like that. I was just a kid so I do not know the importance of these email stuff. I could not recover my account and that's just it. There is nothing I can do about that.
A game where you should have a technique to survive to win and they call it " Chicken Dinner". You're gonna hear some chicken sounds representing victory if you do win. The title itself says survival so the kills does not matter as long as you survive but of course you should kill when you and another team are the ones competing to survive.I started playing ROS when I was in grade 12. My new friend is not that good in DOTA 2 yet so I and the rest of my friends adjusted to ROS so he can play with us. In our early gameplays we tend to win Chicken dinner. But after some games, when the game has gone too long and we are about to win, we tend to betray each other. We do it for fun. We throw firebombs or molotovs to one another and as a result we lose. Sometimes, when we need car to travel to one place to another, we left one another because we just wanted to do it. Tease each other in the game is what we do. It is not rules of survival anymore. It will be rules of enjoying.
Other than DOTA, I really am addicted to this game. It was grade 10 when I started playing this game. I really got very addicted when I am just a new to this. I spent most of my time in playing Mobile Legends. In the summer vacation after my grade 10 year, I play this game from 9 PM to 8 AM. My mother got even worried for my health because of my routine. But yes, I am hard-headed and I still continued playing on that time of the day. The reason why I play on those times is because the internet speeds up on that time. More people are sleeping so less internet users resulting to a faster internet speed. I have known a lot of virtual friends because of playing this game. They felt like I am good so they like to play and have fun with me.
Because of Mobile Legends, I get closer to people. Actually, just this pandemic, I tend to get closer to my brothers because of this games. Before, we have nothing to talk about. But now, we got a lot to say about games and stuff and we tend to connect more with each other. Aside from playing with families and friends, I have played with some people other than my countrymen. In the discord of OCD, I got to know @perceval and @roadstories and they are very welcoming. They are both a great player and a friend. They do not usually play ML so I wanted download Champions Legions, a game that they usually play. Unfortunately, the game is not available in my country. I am looking forward to playing with them.
One thing that I have made this quarantine is my dream house. Since I cannot build my own one yet, I made my own virtual house. This may not be the one that I am gonna have in the future but at least I got an idea. What makes this memorable is that when my nephew showed it to my mother and kiddingly said that this house is the house that I am gonna be building, she said that I liked it and I pray that you would be successful soon. It was a bit heartwarming though she said it in a not so calm way but still it really made me happy. You should check my virtual house tour here
Before playing this game, I and my friends in grade 8 and 9 play crossfire. We have known each other due to playing with another through crossfire. But comes grade 10 when we got a new friend. It was like the first week of the third when we have made a solid group and name our group, we call our group HIDEOUTBOYS because that was our clan in crossfire. Also, we have [H.O] initials in our DOTA names that stands for hideout. Anyway, back to the story just like the ROS friend that I told earlier, this new friend of ours do not want to play crossfire. He likes playing DOTA 2 .We convinced him many times but he said that he will just be playing DOTA while the rest of us will be playing crossfire. I and some of my friends have not played DOTA 2 but since we want that all of us play together in a game and have fun, we adjusted for our new friend. I am not that good in DOTA 2 yet as well some of my friends so I was forced to learn and play DOTA. Since I and some of my friends have not mastered DOTA yet, it was really a fun and a troll gaming. From this day up until our graduation, we played this game in our free time and this was the kind of bonding that we have.
Here are some of my friends face attached to their favorite or best heroesThis was just a random editing made by my friend because he is bored. He then sent it to to our group chat and we had fun talking about this.
I am the one on the left-most side of the pictureContinuing my story a while ago on how we adjusted to play DOTA with our new friend, we had played the game and have fun all throughout our grade 10 year. And when we have stepped up to grade 11, we encountered a new gamer friend again. That picture on the right most side was one our new friend and also the facebook profile on that message was also a new friend. It is stated in my own native language so most of you do not understand. So that you could understand, what it says is that my new friend wanted to battle on DOTA with my group of friends to his group of friends. He said that there will be money involved. The one who loses pays the agreed payment to the winner. This was the beginning of a new friendship. Actually, I was the only one who was put on other section while the rest of my friends were in a single section. So, I am the only one who knew this person who messaged me because we were classmates while my other friends don't. For some hectic schedules, the battle did not happened and as a result, we just played together. As days passed by, while these new friends of mine played with my group of friends each time, they tend to got closer and our circle gets bigger. We considered as one of the group and when we reached grade 12 , we all became classmates already.
We already had made a lot of happy memories but this one was the highlight and was related to gaming. On the 18th birthday of our classmate which is very close to our group, we attended to her event. A lot of funny moments have happened in the event. After the event, we then went to a food park where liquors are available. We talked a lot things there and a lot had happened. I do not have to be very detailed to this because it is somehow unrelated to the topic. Anyway, after drinking some liquors, we then decided to go home because it was already 3 or 4 in the morning. As we walk to our way home(we just walked because there are just a few jeepneys available at that time), we decided that we will just play DOTA2 because some of my friend does not feel like going home yet. So, before playing, we had some noodles first to cure our hangover. We then played the game but I feel very sleepy though. I really wanted to go home and sleep but I do not want to miss some hilarious moments. Everytime I die and the respawn time is like 30 or 50 seconds, I utilize that time and have a very, very quick nap. We played until the morning has arrived. We still have classes on that day but still we choose to play. What a good decision! We only have slept for like an hour and get ready for our class. When we went to our classroom, you know what happened? Luckily, there is no class and I and my friends who played DOTA, slept on the room. We just put some paper and placed some carton and sleep because that's what legends do.
I put an emoji because the hand gesture was a bad gesture. You know itThese people have made my high school years great. We played a lot. Made new friends because of gaming. And most especially, help each other and stay together until we graduate. We had a lot of memories that I can treasure and it is all because of gaming. Actually, after our graduation, our communication have degraded overtime because we got a new circle of friends but that does not mean that we will forget each other. We still communicate but very rare.
Gaming is not that bad after all. What we need is discipline and moderation. Know when to use and how to use our technology is what we need. Some say that playing games destroys our lives but I say, it is you who destroy your life. Just like a knife, it is useful for cooking but it can also be used for killing lives. What I wanted to point out is that gaming is double-edged sword,as what everything in this world is, but it is up to us how we utilize it for the betterment of our lives. Because of gaming, I met a lot of people and made a strong bond with each other. Because of gaming, I tend to forget how chaotic the world is. Because of gaming, I made a lot of memories and friends that even if the game is lost, the memories stays and the friendship goes beyond more than just gaming itself:)
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Wow. You reached this far? Thank you! That's it for today's blog. Hope you enjoyed it and had fun :)
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What's up Hivers ! Give me a Hive Five.......................Nice! This is Chris Jason A. Oswa, your boy @jason04. I am a Computer Engineering student. I am proud to be a hiver and assures to give quality content as I can. I am a "jack of all trades, master of none" which means I can do a bit of poetry, a bit of travel blog, daily experiences and a bit of graphic designs. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog and don't forget to upvote, comment your suggestions and reblog. Lastly, follow me to be updated with my random blogs.
Congratulations! Your awesome post was curated by our team and featured in our Gaming Curation Report. Keep up the great work and game on!
I will keep it up man:) Thanks for the appreciation:)