Horizon Street Finals "The marathon" | Road To Be Legend | Forza Horizon 5

in Hive Gaming3 months ago


Hello everyone friends and racing lovers, welcome back to this great series like this path to become the best driver of the entire Horizon Mexico festival, today we bring a special adventure from the Horizon story, we must remember that previously we unlocked outposts for each type of race, one of the first to be unlocked was the street races, the "Horizon Street" outpost, well it turns out that they called us because we have qualified for the final of this component of the festival, in view of having obtained the necessary points, we received this call and we immediately headed towards the starting site of the race, which is called "The Marathon", when I read the name I knew it would be a somewhat long race and that it was going to be challenging as any final could be. However, with all the excitement in the world we got into the car to face this challenge.

As I mentioned before, this is a marathon, but since it is a final this time we choose our Bugatti Divo 2019 for this race, hoping to do it as soon as possible. At the beginning of the race we started in the town where we previously raced against the Mustang, to continue again from that town to Mulegé, which is where we also did another mission in story mode. We continue along the road which becomes more challenging as the race progresses, this Bugatti is definitely a beast that leaves rivals behind in a fast and safe way, you just have to know how to control its own speed well.

As the marathon progresses we also continue across the map and reach jungle areas where we must go through the curves that make up these descents of the mountains and reliefs that have been presented to us along the way, even on one of these many roads we managed to pass near an ancient temple. We continued on and left the jungle aside to go towards a tunnel, which connected to the largest bridge in the game, the one called "Great Bridge" where after having gone through so many curves and having challenged the finalists of this great event, we managed to win this final. A long race that I really liked quite a bit for the simple fact of making you travel a large part of the map, the advantage is that with the Bugatti Divo this whole path is done in a faster way, which in turn makes it more challenging.

Thank you very much for your support, don't forget to give your upvote, if you have any opinion don't forget to comment and share this series that I love to share with you.


Hola a todos amigos y amantes de las carreras, sean nuevamente bienvenidos a esta grandiosa serie como lo es este camino para volverme el mejor piloto de todo el festival Horizon Mexico, el dia de hoy traemos una aventura especial de la historia Horizon, hay que recordar que anteriormente desbloqueamos puestos de avanzada para cada tipo de carreras, siendo una de las primeras en desbloquearse las carreras callejeras, el puesto de avanzada de "Horizon Street", pues resulta que nos han llamado porque hemos clasificado para la final de este componente del festival, en vista de haber obtenido los puntos necesarios, recibimos esta llamada y nos dirigimos inmediatamente hacia el sitio de salida de la carrera, la cual es llamada "The Marathon", al leer el nombre supe que seria una carrera algo larga y que iba a ser desafiante como cualquier final podria ser. Sik embargo con toda la emocion del mundo nos subimos al auto para afrontar este reto.

Como ya lo mencioné anteriormente, esta est una maratón, pero como es una final esta vez escogemos nuestro Bugatti Divo 2019 para esta carrera, con la esperanza de realizarlo lo mas pronto posible. Al comenzar la carrera empezamos en el pueblo en fonde anteriormente corrimos contra el Mustang, para seguir nuevamente desde ese pueblo hasta mulegé que es donde tambien hicimos otra misión del modo historia. Seguimos a traves de la carretera la cual se torna mas desafiante a medida que avanza la carrera, este bugatti es definitivamente una bestia que deja atras a los rivales de una forma veloz y segura, solo hay que saber controlar bien su misma velocidad.

A medida que transcurre la maraton tambien continuamos a traves del mapa y llegamos a zonas de jungla en ma que debemos ir recorriendo las curvas que conforman estas bajadas de las montañas y relieves que se nos han presentado en el camino, incluso en alguna de estas tantas carreteras logramos pasar cerca de un antiguo templo. Seguimos adelante y dejamos de lado la jungla para irnos hacia un tunel, el cual comunicaba con el puente mas grande del juego, aquel llamado "Gran Puente" en dónde luego de haber pasado por tantas curvas y haber desafiado a los finalistas de este gran evento, logramos alzarnos con la victoria en esta final. Una carrera larga que la verdad me gusto bastante por el simple hecho de hacerte recorrer gran parte del mapa, la ventaja es que con el Bugatti Divo todo este camino se hace de una forma mas rapida, lo que a su vez lo vuelve mas desafiante.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo no olviden dar su upvote, si tienes alguna opinion no olvides comentar y compartir esta serie que me encanta compartir con ustedes


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