Vista del mar Sprint | Cobre's Canyon Cross Country | Riviera Sprint | Race vs Train | Road to be legend | Forza Horizon 5

in Hive Gaming3 months ago


Hello everyone, dear friends and racing lovers, and welcome once again to this wonderful series that I am sharing while I become the best driver in all of Horizon Mexico. We come with this excellent game, Forza Horizon 5. Today I went crazy and wanted to bring you 4 races that have not been easy at all, including a race against a train, which is part of the game's adventure within the Horizon PR outpost, without anything else to add, I hope you like my content and these races that I like to share with you.

The first race is called Vista del Mar Sprint, which we did with our well-known Mercedes Benz AMG CLK GTR from 1998. It was a very entertaining race, in which the difficulty has gradually increased as we have advanced in the game. A sprint race that went from one place to another in which I was able to show my already acquired skills to achieve victory on this occasion, this particular Mercedes Benz has a balance that allows me to make some curves with the center of gravity that it has without losing too much speed. Curves in which we made many overtakings and managed to win.

The second race is a cross country through the Copper Canyon, and this time we got into our 2016 Jeep Trailcat to venture into the mud and the river. I'm not going to lie to you, but this has been one of the most difficult races I've run in this game, I even had to do it several times because I couldn't finish it or I would crash and lose the race. Even the issue of the big jumps as you can see is something difficult for me to control. But even so and after several attempts I was able to win the race (I don't think I'm going to repeat it).

The third race is called sprint on the Riviera, this time we get into a 2022 Cupra UrbanRebel Concept. I have driven this particular car in free mode, and the truth is that although it is comfortable, it is not one of my favorites when it comes to racing, perhaps because I feel that its acceleration is not optimal, however when I did the race I was able to win it with some comfort, what gives positive points to this car is its handling which made going through the curves something more pleasant than with other cars in the game. Finally we managed to win another victory

After that last victory we get a message A new Horizon adventure is available! This time we will go on a Horizon PR adventure, only to discover the surprise they had prepared for us. A race against a freight train at maximum speed. Something that in real life could only be done in very extreme events. It was a tough race in the Lampoghini Countach LP5000 QV, where I felt there was no time to lose and we finally managed to take a very close victory, personally I thought we were not going to win, but in racing nothing is certain until the checkered flag.

I hope you continue to enjoy this series as much as I do, thanks for your support. Let's keep our foot on the accelerator



Muy buenas a todos queridisimos amigos y amantes de las carreras, y sean vienvenidos un avez mas a esta maravillosa serie que estoy compartiendo mientras me convierto en el mejor piloto de todo horizon mexico. Venimos con este excelente juego como lo es el Forza Horizon 5, el dia de hoy me volvi loco y quise traerles 4 carreras que no han sido para nada faciles, entre ellas incluida una carrera contra un tren, que forma parte de la aventura del juego dentro del ouesto de avanzada de Horizon PR, sin nada mas que agregar, espero te guste mi contenido y estas carreras que tanto me gusta compartir con ustedes.

La primera carrera se llama Sprint de vista del mar, el cual hicimos con nuestro ya conocido Mercedes Benz AMG CLK GTR de 1998, fue una carrera bastante entretenida, en la que poco a poco ha ido aumentando la dificultad a medida que hemos avanzado en el juego. Una carrera sprint que iba de un sitio a otro en el que pude mostrar mis ya adquiridas habilidades oara lograr hacerme con la victoria en esta ocasión, este mercedes benz en particular tiene un balance que me permite con el centro de gravedad que tiene poder hacer unas curvas que se sienten bien sin perder tanta velocidad. Curvas en las que realizamos bastantes adelantamientos y logramos alzarnos con la victoria.

La segunda carrera es un cross country a traves de el cañon del cobre, y esta vez nos subimos en nustro jeep trailcat 2016 para aventurarnos en el fango y el rio. No les voy a mentir, pero esta ha sido una de las carreras mas dificiles que he corrido en este juego, incluso tuve que hacerla varias veces ya que no podia terminarla o chocaba y perdia la carrera. Aun el tema de los grandes saltos como pueden ver es algo dificil de controlar para mi. Pero aun asi y luego de varios intentos pude ganar la carrera (Creo que no la voy a repetir).

La tercera carrera se llama sprint en la riviera, esta vez nos subimos a un Cupra Concepto UrbanRebel de 2022. Este carro en particular lo he conducido en el modo libre, y la verdad aunque es comodo, no es uno de mis preferidos a la hora de correr, quiza porque siento que su aceleracion no es la optima, sin embargo al realizar la carrera pude ganarla con cierta comodidad, lo que le fa puntos positivos a este auto es su manejabilidad lo que hizo que el paso por las curvas fuese algo mas ameno que con otros autos del juego. Finalmente logramos alzarnos con otra victoria mas

Luego de esa ultima victoria nos llega un mensaje ¡Una nueva aventura de horizon esta disponible! Esta vez nos iremos a una aventura de Horizon PR, para solamente descubrir la sopresa que nos tenian preparada. Una carrera contra un tren de carga a maxima velocidad. Algo que en la vida real solo se podria hacer en eventos muy extremos. Fue una carrera dura en el lampoghini countach LP5000 QV, en la que sentia que no habia tiempo que perder y finalmente logramos hacernos con una victoria muy cerrada, personalmente creia que no ibamos a ganar, pero en las carreras nada es seguro hasta la bandera a cuadros.

Espero que les siga gustando esta serie tanto como a mi, gracias por tu apoyo. Sigamos con el pie en el acelerador


 3 months ago  

Wow, what an action-packed session! Your journey to becoming the best driver in Horizon Mexico is inspiring, keep pushing those limits.

Thank you. I'm doing my best to keep improving

 3 months ago  

Good luck.

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