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RE: Are Games Still Fun?

in Hive Gaminglast year

I had talked about this topic a long time ago. The truth is that one as a gamer should also try new things, I had also reached that point where I had been bored of video games for a while and preferred to be on social networks but I started to try other games that I had not and now they are catching me with its plot, when I have free time I like to play them and I have a list of games I want to play such as Batman, I'm dying to try them. Expanding your horizons is not bad, even if you don't want to leave a certain genre there are many varied games of your favorite video game genre that you could try and not get bored, that never fails.


I'm glad we see eye to eye.
Sometimes we drift off from our main hobbies, but something always makes us come back. And for us it was this variety that we speak off.