josseangel cross-posted this post in Hive Gaming 4 years ago

One of the most fun game modes I have ever played || Fortnite [ENG/ESP]

Hi #Fortniteros, today I bring you one of the modes I've been playing lately and it has surprised me.

Hola #Fortniteros, hoy les traigo uno de los modos que he estado jugando últimamente y me ha sorprendido.

This mode is called Arsenal, and consists in that each team has to make three eliminations for the weapon to change to a new one.

Este modo se llama Arsenal, y consiste en que cada equipo tiene que hacer tres eliminaciones para que el arma cambie a una nueva.

Below are the weapons I was able to obtain, because as time was running out I did not manage to get them all.

Aquí abajo le dejo las armas que pude lograr obtener, porque como el tiempo se acababa no las logre obtener todas.

Slide ==>>

But one thing I didn't understand was, the blue bar that shows the amount of kills of the team, only moved when I eliminated players.

Pero algo que no entendía era, la barra azul que muestra la cantidad de kills del equipo, solo se movía cuando yo eliminaba a jugadores.

Final Statistics

Unfortunately I could not make a gameplay, because the internet did not help me, I will try to play in an hour where no one uses the internet to see if I can make a gameplay playing a Solo or Arena. Thanks for staying until the end, see you in the next post.

Lamentable mente no pude hacer un gameplay, porque el internet no me ayudaba, tratare de jugar en una hora en donde nadie use el internet para ver si logro hacer un gameplay jugado un Solo o Arena. Gracias por quedarte hasta el final, no vemos en un próximo post.