Bueno, tengo que tener que cuidado con lo que comento sobre este maravilloso y muy conocido juego, ya que para muchos este juego fue la infancia y de los primeros juegos más populares en el que se pudo ver una representación de los zombis caricaturescos, rompiendo con los principios del terror. Tengo que decir algo como gran fan de este juego, era muy gracioso como los zombis te mandaban cartas diciéndote que atacaran por algún lado, si atacaban por la noche y hasta cuando atacaron por el tejado, que en lo personal le creo una personalidad amable a los zombis. Ahora sin más preámbulo, comencemos.
Popcap Games
Siendo fundada en el año dos mil en Los Estados Unidos de América, empresa que es propiedad de Electronic Arts, que es otra empresa de juegos muy famosos como la saga de FIFA. Pop Cap se hizo conocida por juegos y sagas de juegos como Feeding Frenzy, Zuma, Bookworm y Plantas contra Zombis
Este mencionado juego vería la luz el cinco de mayo del dos mil nueve para sistemas operativos Windows, PlayStation, Android, entre otras plataformas. Juego al cual se le harían otras versiones como lo son la secuela y el Garden Warfare, el cual cambia el estilo del juego volviéndolo un shooter. Pero hablemos más sobre el juego que comenzó todo.
La jugabilidad es muy simples que hasta un niño podía aprenderlo a jugar, se basa en el estilo de juego de defender. Ir colocando plantas, recolectar soles e ir completando los distintos niveles. Aunque hayas terminado el modo historia aun quedarían muchas cosas por ver. Así que vayamos al juego, donde podre hablar más a detalle.
Okey, estamos delante de una lápida de la cual sale un zombi al seleccionar el modo aventura y la lapida tiene tres macetas con flores marchitas en su orilla, en el fondo se llega a apreciar una casa, casa en la cual es el terreno de juego y donde se supone vive nuestro personaje. Mientras vayamos completando el modo aventura iremos desbloqueando más objetos en menú, lo que nos desbloquea otras modalidades de juego.
Objetos los cuales son:
- Una regadera de plantas que nos desbloquea el jardín zen.
Al hacerle click en la regadera vemos que nos saldrá el jardín zen primario, donde las plantas se colocan en macetas sobre una mesa. Arriba a la derecha nos aparecerá una flecha amarilla que nos llevaran a la zona nocturna donde se colocan las setas, a un estanque donde colocamos las plantas de agua y una colina donde crece el árbol de la sabiduría, árbol que nos dirá consejos y trucos que nos serán útiles en el juego.
- El almanaque suburbano que es como un álbum de fotos que nos da la posibilidad de ver las plantas y los zombis que hemos ido encontrando.
- Las llaves del carro de nuestro vecino Crazy Dave que nos desbloquea la tienda.
- Trofeos con forma de girasol, puede estar en plateado si te terminaste el modo aventura una vez o en dorado si te lo terminaste dos veces.
Vamos a ir viendo las distintas opciones a detalle.
Modos de juegos
Estando en la lápida se encuentran cuatro botes que son representados como losas.
Siendo estos modos los que se aprecian en la imagen:
Siendo este el modo inicial y la historia, es el más importante del juego ya que en este modo se nos muestra la historia, gracias a este modo se desbloquean todos los otras alternativas de juego. En este modo comenzamos jugando en el patio delantero de la casa, donde se nos presenta a nuestro vecino Crazy Dave, el que nos sirve de guía en la historia.
Hay distintos terrenos cada uno con su cualidad en los cuales se juega en el modo historia y en algunos de los minijuegos donde se llevan a cabo distintos sucesos, pero en todos tienes la misma función, evitar que los zombis entren en la casa.
Los distintos terrenos son:
- Patio delantero (día)
Es el primer mapa de modo aventura. La primera vez que juegas el modo aventura se muestra un tutorial donde comenzamos con solo una franja de colocación, pero luego se nos van liberando las otras franjas de césped para colocar más plantas.Comenzamos con la Lazaguisantes siendo esta la primera planta que se nos da, explicándonos que su lanzamiento es lineal y que este será el modo de defensa, pero las plantas nos cuestan Soles que sera está la moneda con la que podremos poner plantas y para esto nos dan también el Girasol siendo nuestra primera productora de soles, aunque los mapas en los que es de día los soles también pueden caer del cielo.
- Patio delantero (noche)
Es el segundo mapa del modo aventura. Es el mismo sistema de colocación que del primer mapa, con diferencia que este mapa se nos proporcionan las plantas setas, plantas nocturnas que son más usadas en los mapas de noches, ya que de día duerme, pero más adelante se nos desbloquea el grano de café el cual se planta encima de una seta y la despierta. Este mapa tiene la difícil situación de que el cielo no nos proporciona soles y también aparecen lápidas de las cuales salen zombis en la última oleada.
- Piscina (día)
Es el tercer mapa del modo aventura y con este mapa nos vamos a la parte trasera de la casa, la cualidad de este terreno es que este tiene una franja de colocación más que los otros mapas y en el medio del mapa, las dos franjas centrales son de agua, la piscina, a lo largo de estos niveles se nos desbloquean plantas de agua y el Nenúfar que tiene la función de servir de soporte para colocar plantes de tierra sobre el agua para defendernos de los zombis que vienen por la piscina puede ser que vengan con flotadores, buceando y hasta con un delfín zombi.
- Piscina (noche)
![Screenshot_3 sin.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jotaunive/23xKLcC6AUVNz9wuKyZnJNPsuForWTbiEMWpJ1v7nFRqFqBqjxAyFUenKnPm5bQ2D3R3a.png)
Es el cuarto y penúltimo mapa del modo aventura. Seguimos en el patio trasero con la piscina, con la diferencia de que ahora se nos avecina una niebla muy densa que nos quita visión de casi medio mapa, dificultando mucho defendernos de los zombis, para contrarrestar la niebla nos dan plantas como la Planterna que sirve como linterna en los cuadros adyacentes y también nos dan el Trebolador siendo un ventilador gigante que nos quita toda la niebla durante unos segundos. Debido a que este mapa es de noche también tenemos la posibilidad de usar las setas.
- Tejado (día)
Este es el último mapa del modo aventura en el que se pueda jugar con el mismo sistema que se viene viendo desde el principio, ya que literal no es el último mapa, pero si el último que sigue el siclo de las diez rondas en el mapa. En el tejado tenemos la problemática de no tener ni tierra y tampoco agua, solo las tejas, por esto nos dan la maceta para poder plantar como si fuese la tierra. También tiene como desventaja que el techo no es recto por lo cual los ataques lineales no son muy efectivos, solo sirven en lo más alto del tejado donde se ve una pequeña zona que si es plana, pero no sale rentable usar las plantas de ataques lineales como lanzaguisantes así que nos dan las plantas catapultas como lo son la Coltapulta, la Lanzamaiz y La Melonpulta, siendo esta última la más fuerte, pero a los zombis se les ocurrieron otras formas de seguir atacando, ellos se hicieron un carro que tuviera una catapulta que lanzara balones de basket y lo llamaron los Zombipulta, también colgaron zombis de sogas para que robaran desde arriba nuestras plantas llamándolo el Zombie colgao.
- Tejado (noche)
Este si sería literalmente el último mapa del modo aventura, pero este mapa se juega una sola vez y es para el evento final contra el Dr. Edgar Zomboss y su gigantesco robot zombi, en este mapa nos irán saliendo las plantas que podamos usar, en la parte superior en la cinta, nos saldrán catapultas, macetas con las que nos defenderemos de los zombis que nos mande el Dr., a lo largo del estar defendiendo la cabeza del robot gigante bajara para soltar bolas de fuego o hielo que tendremos que contra restar con la Seta Congelada y con el Jalapeño, en estos momentos del robot bajar la cabeza será la oportunidad de hacerle daño, para luego subir de nuevo y lanzarnos una casa rodante para destruir nuestras plantas, pero si eres rápido y tienes suerte podrás colocar las plantas de nuevo para defenderte mientras él sigue bajando la cabeza para seguir haciendo daño hasta destruirlo.
Los minijuegos son algunas maneras alternas para disfrutar de este juego, estos tienen distintos sistemas para ganar el trofeo, ya que cada minijuego que logres completar podrás ganar dinero y un trofeo. En total hay veinte minijuegos bastantes entretenidos y cada uno con sus características que lo hacen distintos uno de otros.
Estos son:
Este modo juego o alternativa para jugar es más simple, solo son dos sagas de modos de juegos que cuentan con nueve rondas que te daran trofeos al terminarlas y un modo infinito de esa saga.
- Rompejarrones
En el mapa de patio delantero en la noche, aparecerán unos jarrones que tendrás que romper para ver lo que contiene. Te pueden tocar zombis que caminaran hacia tu casa o plantas para defenderte. A lo largo de las rondas te tocarán zombis más fuertes o plantas más útiles y tendrás un jarrón verde que te asegura que adentro habrá una planta.
- Yo, Zombi
Este modo de juego será la inversa, el jugador controlará los zombis, colocando a coste soles que conseguirás cuando tus zombis rompan un girasol, así tendrás que iras comiéndote todas las plantas y verás que sufrían los zombis, para ganar tendrás que llegar hasta el fondo de las cinco franjas y comerte los cerebros. Mientras más partidas ganes plantas más fuertes irán siendo tus enemigas y colocaras zombis más poderosos.
En este apartado vemos los cinco distintos mapas del juego para jugar un modo supervivencia, cada mapa trae su versión normal que consiste en llegar a cinco oleadas y luego su versión difícil donde la aparición de zombis es más constante y en esta versión difícil tendremos que resistir diez oleadas. Ya cuando completas las diez rondas se desbloqueara un modo de supervivencia infinito, pero este modo solo está en la piscina de día
Ya terminamos con el menú de la lápida
Ya quedan pocas cosas que decir sobre el juego, pero siguen siendo igual de geniales así que comentaré esas pocas cosas
Esto es para personalizar un zombi que será el que cargue la bandera en las oleadas.
Secretos y de datos curiosos
- En los logros
Si en el apartado de los logros bajamos podremos encontras distintas curiosidades
Al gusano Lex también lo podemos llegar a ver como un jugete en la tienda de Crazy Dave
Hablando de Crazy Dave, el guía del juego amante de los tacos quien es raptado por los zombis al final del modo aventura, pero vuelve en la secuela con una gran historia. Se dice que Dave en realidad está basado en un trabajador de Pop Cap Llamado Dave Rohrl
Estas esferas y el totem que tienen pinta de ser aztecas son de la saga de juegos de Pop Cap llamados Zuma.
Secretos en la versión de pc
Hay algunas palabras que escritas con el teclado cambian la apariencia de algunas cosas en una partida. Algunos de estos códigos se pueden usar solo cuando el árbol de la sabiduría sea más alto
future Los zombis tendrán gafas de colores.
mustache A los zombis les saldrán un mostacho.
trickedout Las cortadoras de césped tendrán un aspecto muy cool.
pinata En el momento de que un zombi muera este soltara caramelos como si se tratase de una piñata.
daisies Cuando un zombi se haya muerto, su cuerpo dajara margaritas en el piso que se quedaran toda la partida.
dance Los zombis vendrán bailando a atacarte.
¿Michael Jackson?
En las primeras versiones del Plantas contras Zombies, el Zombi Bailarin tenía una apariencia del famoso rey del pop Michael Jackson, pero cuando se sacó la versión completa del juego, Pop Cap recibió una demanda por derechos de autor por el uso de la imagen de Michael Jackson sin autorización. Debido a esto, los desarrolladores de Pop Cap tuvieron que cambiarle el aspecto al zombi, pero el zombi en sus primeras versiones se veía así:
**Página del Es una página de minijuegos del que nunca se terminó su desarrollo. Es como una versión incompleta del actual apartado de minijuegos, esta página de juego perdida en el limbo solo se puede encontrar actualmente con el modificador de juegos Cheat engine, al hacerlo solo se notara que es muy parecida a la página actual pero en esta hay minijuegos que se desconocían completamente y terminarían siendo eliminados o adaptados para su lanzamiento.
Bueno esto fue toda la publicación de plantas contra zombis, me llevo unos días hacerlo por problemas con mi internet, pero el resultado me gusto mucho.
Muchas gracias por leer y que tengas un bonito día.
I have to be careful with what I say about this wonderful and well known game, because for many this game was the childhood and the first most popular games in which you could see a representation of cartoon zombies, breaking with the principles of terror. I have to say something as a big fan of this game, it was very funny how the zombies would send you letters telling you to attack from somewhere, if they attacked at night and even when they attacked through the roof, which personally created a friendly personality to the zombies. Now without further ado, let's get started.
Popcap Games
Being founded in the year two thousand in the United States of America, the company is owned by Electronic Arts, which is another company of very famous games such as the FIFA saga. Pop Cap became known for games and game sagas such as Feeding Frenzy, Zuma, Bookworm and Plants vs. Zombies.
This mentioned game would see the light on May fifth, two thousand nine for operating systems Windows, PlayStation, Android, among other platforms. Game to which would be made other versions such as the sequel and the Garden Warfare, which changes the style of the game turning it into a shooter. But let's talk more about the game that started it all.
The gameplay is so simple that even a child could learn to play it, it is based on the style of the game to defend. You have to place plants, collect suns and complete the different levels. Even if you have finished the story mode there are still many things to see. So let's go to the game, where I can talk more in detail.
Okay, we are in front of a tombstone from which a zombie comes out when we select the adventure mode and the tombstone has three pots with wilted flowers on its edge, in the background we can see a house, a house which is the playing field and where our character is supposed to live. As we complete the adventure mode we will unlock more objects in the menu, which unlocks other game modes.
- A plant watering can that unlocks the zen garden.
When you click on the watering can you will see the primary zen garden, where the plants are placed in pots on a table. At the top right we will see a yellow arrow that will take us to the night area where mushrooms are placed, a pond where we place the water plants and a hill where the tree of wisdom grows, a tree that will tell us tips and tricks that will be useful in the game.
- The suburban almanac which is like a photo album that gives us the possibility to see the plants and zombies that we have been finding.
- The keys to our neighbor Crazy Dave's car that unlocks the store.
- Trophies in the shape of a sunflower, it can be in silver if you finished the adventure mode once or in gold if you finished it twice.
Let's go through the different options in detail.
Game modes
Standing on the tombstone are four jars that are represented as slabs.
Being these modes the ones that are appreciated in the image:
Being this the initial mode and the story, is the most important of the game because in this mode we are shown the story, thanks to this mode all the other game alternatives are unlocked. In this mode we start playing in the front yard of the house, where we are introduced to our neighbor Crazy Dave, who serves as a guide in the story.
There are different terrains each with its own quality in which you play in the story mode and in some of the mini-games where different events take place, but in all of them you have the same function, to prevent the zombies from entering the house.
The different terrains are:
- Front yard (day).
This is the first adventure mode map. The first time you play the adventure mode a tutorial is shown where we start with only one placement strip, but then the other grass strips are released to us to place more plants. We start with the Lazaguisantes being this the first plant that is given to us, explaining us that its launch is linear and that this will be the defense mode, but the plants cost us Soles that will be is the currency with which we can put plants and for this we also get the Girasol being our first producer of suns, although the maps where it is daytime the suns can also fall from the sky.
- Front yard (night)
It is the second map of the adventure mode. It is the same placement system as the first map, with the difference that this map provides us with the mushroom plants, nocturnal plants that are more used in the night maps, since it sleeps during the day, but later it unlocks the coffee bean which is planted on top of a mushroom and wakes it up. This map has the difficult situation that the sky does not provide us with suns and also appear tombstones from which zombies come out in the last wave.
- Pool (day)
It is the third map of the adventure mode and with this map we go to the back of the house, the quality of this terrain is that this has a strip of placement more than the other maps and in the middle of the map, the two central strips are water, the pool, Throughout these levels we unlock water plants and the Lily Lily that has the function of serving as a support to place land plants on the water to defend us from the zombies that come through the pool may come with floats, diving and even with a zombie dolphin.
- Pool (night)
![Screenshot_3 sin.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jotaunive/23xKLcC6AUVNz9wuKyZnJNPsuForWTbiEMWpJ1v7nFRqFqBqjxAyFUenKnPm5bQ2D3R3a.png)
It is the fourth and penultimate map of the adventure mode. We continue in the backyard with the pool, with the difference that now we have a very dense fog that takes away vision of almost half the map, making it very difficult to defend ourselves from the zombies, to counteract the fog we get plants like the Plantern that serves as a flashlight in the adjacent squares and also give us the Trebolador being a giant fan that removes all the fog for a few seconds. Because this map is at night we also have the possibility to use the mushrooms.
- Roof (day)
This is the last map of the adventure mode in which you can play with the same system that has been seen since the beginning, since it is literally not the last map, but the last one that follows the cycle of the ten rounds on the map. On the roof we have the problem of having no land and no water, only the tiles, so we get the pot to plant as if it were the land. It also has the disadvantage that the roof is not straight so the linear attacks are not very effective, only serve at the top of the roof where you see a small sona if it is flat, but it is not profitable to use the plants of linear attacks such as launchers so they give us the catapult plants as are the Coltapulta, the Lanzamaiz and the Melonpulta, being this last one the strongest, but the zombies came up with other ways to continue attacking, they made a car that had a catapult that launched basketballs and they called it the Zombipulta, they also hung zombies of ropes so that they stole from above our plants calling it the Zombie colgao.
- Roof (night)
This if it would be literally the last map of the adventure mode, but this map is played only once and is for the final event against Dr. Edgar Zomboss and his giant zombie robot, in this map we will be leaving the plants that we can use, at the top on the tape, we will get catapults, pots with which we will defend ourselves from the zombies that Dr. Edgar Zomboss sends us, along being defending the head of the giant robot down to release balls of fire or ice that we will have to subtract with the Frozen Mushroom and Jalapeño, in these moments of the robot lower the head will be the opportunity to hurt him, and then go up again and throw a trailer to destroy our plants, but if you are fast and lucky you can place the plants again to defend yourself while he continues lowering his head to continue doing damage to destroy it.
The mini-games are some alternate ways to enjoy this game, these have different systems to win the trophy, as each mini-game you manage to complete you can earn money and a trophy. In total there are twenty mini-games quite entertaining and each one with its own characteristics that make them different from each other.
These are:
Defend yourself with plants from the zombies with plants supplanting their head, giving the abilities of these plants.
It is a type of game similar to Bowling, only in this case with the Nut and a variant that only appears in this mini-game that is the Cascanuez, being the same as a red nut that explodes when it hits a zombie.
Similar to a casino betting machine, it will appear at the top of the screen with its crank on one side, the mission is to get two thousand suns while you defend yourself from the zombies with the water throwers that the machine gives you. The suns are obtained with the machine of sunsets, it can give you sunflowers to produce them, it can give you large amounts of suns or they fall from the sky, but this will only give you 25 which is the same as the cost of each turn of the machine.
For this mode we will go to the pool at night, with the fog. On this map there is a storm with a rain that will be dropping plants to defend us from the zombies.
In pure Candy Crush style, in the mini-game we will have to put the same types of plants in line and make combinations, the mini-game ends when you reach seventy-five combinations. The peculiarity of this is that you have to go putting them in a row while the zombies attack you, if the zombies eat a plant this will leave a crater that you have to fill with two hundred suns, which you get with the combinations. With the suns you can also improve the plants for a better defense.
Being in the pool at night (this is one of the few times we do not see fog on this map), we have to use the plants that will give us on the tape to defend ourselves from the invisible zombies, to know where they are we have to place the launchers and these shoot him, also with the frozen mushroom that will mark them with ice at his feet.
We started seeing that it is like a normal game, choose you plants and defend, but this does not aim to resist waves, in this you have to choose the Frustrella and go putting them in the silhouettes that appear on the lawn, once completed the figure on the ground will win the mini-game
In my opinion this is one of the best or the most different mini-games. You have the objective to buy and feed zombie divers that simulate fish and this because you have to collect a thousand suns of those generated by the zombies. You lose if the zombies die and if you don't have enough to buy more.
It is very similar to its previous version only that aligning the plants will no longer be done with individual movements, in this you rotate the position of four plants that are together, the movement is a clockwise rotation.
It is like the basic defend yourself from zombies and prevent them from entering the house with the peculiarity that these zombies are of a reduced size, so they resist less blows, but run much faster and do more damage than normal ones.
In the front yard of the house, at night, the conveyor belt that will give us plants with something very different from normal, such as changing the direction of the peas or the spikes that you throw, these portals will change and you will have to take into account the position and where the projectiles will come out to kill the horde of zombies.
We are on the roof with a tape above waiting to attack, when you grab the plant to place it on a pot, at that moment you realize that a full vertical row of that plant is placed and you realize that this is the fun of the map, the plants are placed throughout the vertical line you select.
In the daytime pool map, the end of the four strips of grass, are covered in ice where the bobsleich zombies will come from, being a rather peculiar game where you will have to defend yourself as if it were a normal game.
We are in the pool during the day, this has the normal defense system, but the difference is that this game the guy will go much faster, making the zombies run at full speed and the machine gun launchers are like machine guns.
It is the classic smash the mole with a hammer only in this case is to zombies coming out of the tombstones, these will go out with cone or cube protection and will appear more and more tombstones.
Just start you will have five thousand suns and you will have to choose your plants, you will be given a moment of preparation, when you have already placed your plants you will give to start you will see the beautiful art of war, as the zombies come in large numbers and you have to go choosing your plants and go defending yourself.
It is the same as its first version only in this we are in the backyard, the zombies plants are more varied and of different types, when the first only had two types.
We continue with the sequels of mini-games and this time with the bowling, but this does not change much, only adds a new version to the nut which is gigantic.
Classic defense system on the roof, choosing the plants to defend yourself from the jumping Zombies, which are zombies mounted on pogos, these zombies will not eat your plants only jump them, unless you remove the pogo with the Magnetoseta, only then they will start to walk like normal zombies.
The last of the games and is a revenge of Dr. Edgar Zomboss of the first time we beat him in adventure mode, in this case it will be at night on the roof and the Boss will be more aggressive.
This game mode or alternative to play is simpler, there are only two sagas of game modes that have nine rounds that will give you trophies when you finish them and an infinite mode of that saga.
- Vasebreaker
On the front yard map at night, vases will appear that you'll have to break to see what's inside. You can be touched by zombies that will walk towards your house or plants to defend yourself. Throughout the rounds you will get stronger zombies or more useful plants and you will have a green vase that assures you that there will be a plant inside.
- I, Zombie
This game mode will be the reverse, the player will control the zombies, placing at cost suns that you will get when your zombies break a sunflower, so you will have to go eating all the plants and you will see that the zombies suffered, to win you will have to get to the bottom of the five strips and eat the brains. The more games you win the stronger plants will be your enemies and you will place more powerful zombies.
In this section we see the five different maps of the game to play a survival mode, each map brings its normal version that consists of reaching five waves and then its difficult version where the appearance of zombies is more constant and in this difficult version we will have to resist ten waves. Already when you complete the ten rounds will unlock an infinite survival mode, but this mode is only in the day pool.
We are done with the initial menu
There are few things left to say about the game, but they're still just as cool so I'll comment on those few things
This is to customize a zombie that will be the one that will carry the flag in the waves.
Secrets and Easter Eggs
Tunnel of achievements
In the section of the achievements we can find different curiosities
The Lex worm can also be seen as a toy in the Crazy Dave's store.
Speaking of Crazy Dave, the taco-loving game guide who is kidnapped by zombies at the end of the adventure mode, but returns in the sequel with a great story. It is said that Dave is actually based on a Pop Cap worker named Dave Rohrl.
These spheres and the totem that look like Aztecs are from the Pop Cap game series called Zuma.
Secrets in the pc version
There are some words that typed on the keyboard change the appearance of some things in a game. Some of these codes can be used only when the wisdom tree is higher.
future Zombies will have colored glasses.
mustache Zombies will grow a mustache.
trickedout Lawn mowers will look very cool.
pinata When a zombie dies it will drop candy like a piñata.
daisies When a zombie is dead, its body will drop daisies on the ground that will stay for the whole game.
dance The zombies will come dancing to attack you.
Michael Jackson?
In early versions of Plants vs. Zombies, the Dancing Zombie had an appearance of the famous King of Pop Michael Jackson, but when the full version of the game was released, Pop Cap received a copyright lawsuit for unauthorized use of Michael Jackson's image. Because of this, the developers of Pop Cap had to change the appearance of the zombie, but the zombie in its first versions looked like this:
Limbo Page.
It's a mini-game page of which development was never finished. It is like an incomplete version of the current minigames section, this game page lost in limbo can only be found nowadays with the Cheat engine game modifier, when you do it you will only notice that it is very similar to the current page but in this one there are minigames that were completely unknown and would end up being eliminated or adapted for its release.
Well this was all the publication of plants against zombies, it took me a few days to do it because of problems with my internet, but I really liked the result.
Thank you very much for reading and have a nice day.
It's funny that this is my first post without counting the press release and I got so complicated that I ended up making a post of thousands of words, what complicated me the most was that I almost never have internet. it cost me many days and caused me a lot of stress every time there was a power outage, but now I could publish the post and I'm pretty calm.
WOW!! como se nota que eres muy fan de este gran juego y como le echaste ganas al post, el Planta contra Zombie es un juego muy bueno bro, uno de los que estuvo ahí en mi infancia, pasando buenos momentos conmigo y todo eso. Este juego me encanta mucho, como tu dices me daba mucha risa las cartas de los Zombies, se parecen a las que me mandaba mi novia de 2ºdo grado jajaja, pero si mano, dan mucha risa sus cartas "OJO" las de los Zombies JAJAJ, y bueno, no hay nada en el cual me pueda quejar sobre este juego, es demasiado bueno y lo disfrute mucho.
hermano tu post estuvo increíble, tiene muchas cosas interesantes y muy buenas. Me encanto tu post! <3
Muchas gracias, amigo. Que te haya gustado hace que el tiempo que tarde en hacerlo valiera la pena
What I loved most about this game was that I could play it with no data or WiFi. MY special feature was the survival mode; I just wanted to resist and test my strategy limits!
You are right my friend, the fact that you can play without internet connection is a very good thing to enjoy this wonderful game.
Survival mode was the mode that was the hardest to finish, until I got a good strategy.
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