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RE: Falling off the WoW wagon

in Hive Gaming β€’ 3 years ago

My partner and I are playing WoW Classic at the moment, and we will be playing the new expansion when it comes out too. πŸ™‚

I'm not a raider or anything, I just like doing my own little thing which is mostly roaming around, exploring, gathering things, then making a bunch of gold on the auction house. πŸ˜„ Might do a few mythic dungeons. My partner and friends raid, but it's just not my thing.

Nothing wrong with playing WoW. Plenty of adults do. It might be a bit squiffy if you're foregoing household chores and jobs and things, but enjoyed in moderation. πŸ™‚ Myself, my partner and our friends group are all in our 30's and 40's, with kids, most of us have jobs (I don't; stay at home mum), and yeah... it's all good.

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That is pretty awesome. It definitely helps when you have someone you can enjoy it with. I know I played more when I was able to be online with my brother in law. It sounds like you have a great balance. I'd like to think I could do that, but past experience tells me no :)

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

It's good that you know your limits. πŸ™‚

I had an addictive experience with a different game... back in 2005 or so, I was depressed and there was one silly little game that took all of my attention away from everything. Puzzle Pirates. It's a silly little game! But I would play it non-stop, every day, I would forego sleep because I wanted to play it and most of the people I knew playing it were on the other side of the world so 2-3am my time was the best time to play. It was very unhealthy. I learnt over time though that it wasn't the game I was addicted to, it was the people. They were my only social outlet and the game was the only means of being with them.

Thankfully I've never succumbed to that kind of experience again, and whenever I play anything now I'm painfully aware of any possible triggers that might lead to such a thing. It helps that my gaming circle now is my real life circle, and my partner is by my side. πŸ™‚ I do play a lot of games, and my blog is basically my gaming blog at the moment πŸ˜…, but all in moderation.

I've been playing might and magic 6 lately. I bought a retro version of it on GOG. I'd have to guess that if anything I am now addicted to hive and crypto currency. it has become a hobby that takes up a good deal of my free time. I am glad you were able to fix your situation and find a much healthier place to be now.