I get it, I really do.
I couldn't get into dCity because to me it wasn't a game. I didn't care that I could earn from it. I wanted to play an actual game! I tried, but it just wasn't for me.
I have a friend who is always getting into these new play-to-earn games, but I just don't find them appealing. They're not games to me. Most of them look like browser based things from the late 90s and have no real playability. I think Splinterlands is the one and only exception. It actually has PLAY value.
Personally, I haven't really looked at Star Atlas yet so have no real opinion on it. 😅
There was a game I saw on Kickstarter recently that is basically a Pokemon clone, but it's a full proper game, and an MMO. And while it's play-to-earn they're not focusing on that, they focus on "game first, crypto second." -- and I might actually play it if it goes well and gets released!! I like pokemon, I like MMOs, the graphics so far look nice, it looks like an actual -game!!- and the play-to-earn seems to be just some icing on the cake. 😅
Yeah, I looked at dCity and just was confused. Where is the game? What do I have to do?
I really enjoy games where the devs more or less developed a fun game and the crypto part is a positive side effect. But that is rare!
Do you remember the name of the game? :) I'd love to take a look at it.
Yeah I did like trying these new games but most of the times it was let down 🤣
Like. It feels almost sad how basic some of them are 🤣
Like you said, 90s browser games.
Have you ever tried Alien Worlds? It looks like Ogame from like 1998 or so. 🤣
I do remember! I've been keeping my eye on it, debating whether or not I want to help fund it. 😅 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/untamedisles/untamed-isles ~ Untamed Isles!
I've stopped getting excited whenever I see a new crypto-game, because it's pretty much guaranteed to not actually be a game. I have absolutely no problem with browser based games, I used to live on Neopets, and Utopia, and Kings of Chaos, and some tile RPG Adventure game I can't remember the name of... but at least with those you actually did something. 😅
This does look good at least! It's an actual game! 🤣 I'm gonna keep an eye on it as well.
I've never funded any game on kickstarter as a few friends had a weird issue..they did fund an mmorpg but when it got released they were pretty much the only ones online lol
I can't remember the name but the news got viral in Italy
and yeah I understand what you mean.
I am always really curious and excited to see where the road will lead and I like trying games.. But I don't see myself forcing into anything which is clearly subpar.
ahah the only browser game I remember playing actively a little was Mafia City (or something like that). an app on facebook.