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RE: Continuing my journey through Gedonia!

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Well that sounds absolutely fantastic! 😄 Makes me look forward even more to the eventual full release!! I would love to play right now, but I think I'd rather experience the magic of the full game... it is taking a lot of willpower to ignore it though, haha!

You've always been able to play as a truly evil character in these games, but I struggle doing so 😬 I always feel bad for hurting the NPCs feelings 🤣. The only game I've managed to actually complete as an evil person is Neverwinter Nights 2... and that was simply because I liked the chaotic evil companion, Bishop, and couldn't stand the other companions and revelled in making them dislike me. 😈


There's a scenario where you need to roll an 18+ on the D20 to stop a Tiefling child from being killed by a poisonous and you need to tell her parents she died...

I couldn't do it, I think it took 6 or 7 reloads until the dice eventually hit the point I happily ran of to tell her parents the good news.

I planned to hold out until full release but read the patch 6 notes and cracked :)