I also did not know you get a pet cosmetic reaching level 20. sad, I was only level 19.
That's like, the entire reason I bothered playing the beta! XD XD XD I mentioned it in my post on the first beta weekend. 😅
You make the druid sound interesting... initially I had no interest in trying it, but now I'm thinking I might. I have more interest in the sorcerer and necromancer and none at all for the rogue and barbarian. But that druid. Hmmmmm. Just maybe!
mannnnnnnnnnnnnn now that I failed, I'm not in the beta cosmetic club. 😭
It's really good. they feel like immovable objects that also wields the unstoppable force.
I'm interested with necromancers too. Did you play it how was it?
my druid's wolves only deal 8% of your total damage passively per bite, you can command them to leap to a target dealing tons of damage. I never seen the creeping vine attack. 🤣
I didn't try the necromancer but watched my partner play it a little - he got one to around a tiny level 5 just to have a quick look at it.
Looks alright from what I saw, can't have an entire army of undead though just a few. They seem to hold aggro well enough so they take all the hits instead of your character. I think my first character upon launch will definitely be a sorcerer though xD I have no choice!!! Fire hydras and freezing everything so they can stay in place while they're burnt to a crisp, muahaha! Orrrrr chain lightning zappy everything! ❄️🔥⚡⚡⚡🔥❄️
does the sorcerer/sorceress have permanent summons? hehehe like maybe water elementals? 🤣 I want thoseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
No ☹️ that would be spiffy though. I'd love a perma-pet to wander alongside my character!
😕. o well. can't wait for 6.6.2023. 😆