Most of the controversy was centred on the last gen consoles. There were a few bugs and glitches on PC but nothing that necessitated such backlash.
I don't drive in it, prefer to walk everywhere. My partner ended up finding a mod though to make driving feel better. But it runs alright on ultra his 3080ti and I have mine set to a mix of high and ultra on a 2060. No raytracing. That kills it! 🤣 Sadly. 😭
I love the game and want to play it again, but I'm forcing myself to wait for the expansion which was supposed to be this year but is now next year. 🙄 😅
I want to finish the game first before delving into mods haha
Well, for game-changing mods and extra additions yeah, definitely finish the game first, haha. But if you find driving terrible, might as well fix it. 🙂