In my last Starbound post, Autumnia was on the hunt for furniture to steal from assorted villages! She found a few, had a Glitch chase after her for love, and managed to escape into the mines to get some Titanium.
After bringing the titanium home, Autumnia discovered that she had failed to do one very important thing when setting up a base — a base in survival hardcore mode no less! She had forgotten to make a farm. And she was almost out of food. 😱
It was time to fix that little issue.

I planted a bunch of assorted seeds, nice and neatly beside each other, and watered them. I know there's a way to set up an automated watering system in this, but I'll need to investigate how to do it.
It's probably something I can't do til later on anyway, and will involve wiring or something which I can't do yet.

I waited for the first crops to grow, then harvested, zoomed off to the space station to use their cooking facilities, and made some food to last me a little while.
With that all set up now, I could get back to exploring and stealing furniture from villages! xD

I landed on a Savannah planet and found sporadically placed Fennec Fox houses, all of which are terribly decorated and don't even have storages to loot.
Then I came across my first Hylotl village! This is the first time I've come across them and turns out they're the more eastern-inspired race in this galaxy.

While their decor was very nice, most of it wouldn't really fit in my style of housing, but I did take a couple of their planter boxes and a fish tank! 😁 Also a few of the outdoor lanterns.
I continued exploring the planet, but there was only a Floran village. I don't need any more Floran items.

On the next planet I went to, I found a heap of people having a camp-out!
They had some interesting head-gear in a few of their crates, like some glasses and a fez, but I'm still quite pleased with my cat-ear thing that I'm wearing.

This random lady needed help. But also gave me some nifty information. There are Glitch on this planet! May they have a few more items for me and my house.
I declined her quest like a rude little Floran and set forth for the Glitch and their fortress!

Turns out it wasn't so much a fortress as a ruin.

I waltzed inside and very soon I found one of the items I was after — small barrels! That would like very nice beside my large barrel in my blacksmithery. Plus there was barrels filled with treasure. At least, that's what they looked like. They didn't actually have any treasure inside of them.
I took them, suddenly inspired to make a treasure room in my base.

I also found some stuff for my dungeon! Woo! Score! This little adventure has proven fruitful so far! 😁
And just because I could, I decided to slurp up that lava into my Matter Manipulator tool, too. I may find a use for it at some point.

After leaving the Glitch ruin, I discovered that I had enough Matter Manipulator upgrades to upgrade my tool a little. I can now do wiring! Which will be useful for my base, especially the watering of my farm.

Before carting the Glitch loot back to my base, I finished exploring the planet I was on and found this nifty purple hat in an Avian crate. Now this almost makes me want to give up my cat ears. This purple hat would be a worthy successor for the kitty cat ears.
I decide to keep the hat, just in case I decide upon a change in style. 😊

I think I consider the Blacksmithery pretty much complete now! 😊 But I think the dungeon still needs a bit of work.
I did find a "hidden wall" to use as the door to the dungeon which is a nice touch, and I installed a guillotine down there too, because why the hell not? xD
I really need to work on my kitchen though. I mean, at the moment I just have 4 fridges and an oven sitting there, all together. It's very lazy and boring. I'll work something out eventually!
So, next on my list is my kitchen, and I'd really like to get started on my "tech room" too. Either way, for both of these, I'm going to have to find some Big Ape worshippers and Big Ape genetic science labs.
Here's hoping I manage to find them in the next adventure!
Until next time! 😄
It seems that Autumnia is growing up, hunting things here and there, I'd be scared to see her near my house, anyway, it's great to see how you're doing xD, by the way, although I've been watching her for a while, it's a pleasure to meet you Autumnia.
(It's a bad joke, but I hadn't realized that it has a name similar to this character from the movie 500 days of summer.)
I've never seen that movie! 😅 I only named her Autumnia because she was a Floran which is a plant person, and gave her orange colours like in Autumn / Fall.
Autumnia still has a couple of adventures left to go! 🙂 She hasn't died yet, but I did get bored. 😅😅
Hahaha I guessed something like that, in the movie the boy is in love with a girl named summer, at the end of the movie he meets an autumn.
Hahaha I understand you about getting bored, it's complicated, I hope you can give Autumnia a good ending!
I still love this kind of games, with that being said, I am going to try this one out.
I very muchly recommend this one. 🙂 It has quite a bit of content in it!
Another day and another great adventure!! you are smashing this game!!