
yeah it was good, I got it as an audio book for a cross country drive.

Neon district is very cool, Lots of potential there I think. I'm just about to start my second shift =) I was almost considering buying a crate or two to get a bit of an edge and be able to defend myself once I have to move up to level 2 but not with eth fees as they are. It is really confusing to me that ethereum is the gaming blockchain of choice with fees so high... I feel like it pretty much stops any transactions under like 100 usd from actually happening.

I totally agree, I'm just not here for those gas fees on opensea, either. You should easily be able to get enough NEON for the first crate in a couple of days, though!! What's your team build look like?

I've got a ghost a demon a jack and a genius. any idea what affect the order has?

It's generally best in this kind of game to have your tankiest characters in front and support in back. The exception would be if you have a hard-hitting character with really low defense; then put them in back, I'd say. My team is Heavy (High defense, low attack), then Demon ([ow defense [boosted with armor], high attack), then Hacker and Doc as support.