Great article. Anyone who had the joy of playing games during that period can relate to this. Back in '92, after having not played video games since packing away my commodore64, I bought a 386 PC to use as a 'word processor'. when I noticed a file called WOLF3D.bat . I click it and that was it.... the rest is... as stated above.
Would love to revisit these games, to wait on the reload screen after 54 attempts to clear a hall full of nazis, to hide in the shadows waiting an hour to decide on how to take on a Cyberdemon. i believe it was the Doom mods that first incorporated the army of darkness quotes. I listened to the Quake soundtrack more than playing the game. I swear, Nukem was basically Escape from LA.
Network play was also a ground breaking experience that got developed on Doom and Duke Nukem. Now I'm tempted to play these games again, won't be the same buzz, but good the remember.
*Shadow Warrior should be on this list.
I am so glad you related to this post. I never played Shadow Warrior so i couldn't speak to that one. I never played on a network or in any multiplayer fashions. Reading up on this... it appears there were many, many mods. Sounds like i missed out on a lot of the better experiences that made it so forward in it's groundbreaking features. Glad to have gotten what i did. I always say better late than never. You can play the single player version of all the games i mentioned above in the links that mention that. Doom 1 is on the site but i linked Doom 2. Hope you give 'em a go and feel the nostalgia flowing through your veins!
I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your experience as well.