So I guess the new updates in Splinterlands have made a big change to the dynamics of the game. With the whole land and plots sale and the ability to rent out cards, suddenly the demand for cards has been increased a lot and prices are going through the roof.
Like two weeks ago my account was worth $1400 dollars as you can see in this post and now the same account has increased to a shocking $1900 bucks, which is actually more than the current value of my HIVE account. Crazy right? And that just in two weeks.
Valnamor is one of the cards that went totally bezerk over the last couple of months. I had two of these actually, because I bought 110 packs of Beta cards just before they went our of print, a bit as an investment. I think I sold the first Valnamor after a couple of months for $25 bucks, and the second one for about $40 bucks. Now they are on the market for $116, while the price of HIVE didn't increase that much (well it did, but also dropped again).
Talk about good chances right?
The 'Lightning Dragon' is another card that has gotten nice stats over the months. At first it was just a nice card to have and to play with, but by now all of a sudden it is worth $18 bucks.
And what about our friend the 'Flesh Golem'. I remember this dude was worth like $0.06 for a couple of years. But now all of a sudden these guys are $0.96 and I have tons of them. Now I get where the value of my wallet is all of a sudden. It is the gigantic increase in price is just easy cards.
So yes, I am dropping some Beta cards on the market here and there. To be honest, when I am playing I still use the Beta cards the most, because I have most of them leveled up to level 4 which is decently playable, and I guess we are most familiar with the abilities of these cards.
I don't want to sell to many of them. But as we have learned in the crypto markets. We must sell steadily on the way up, and buy on the way down. And that is what I am doing. I remember spending the $200 bucks on the Beta cards and I found it a lot. But alone the Beta card section I own is worth $800 bucks and I have already sold so many over the years.
It is just not a bad investment.
And I have said it before. I cash out some of the sold cards, but I am also buying so many Dice packs which have a tremendous amount of value in there. It almost feels stupid to sell the DEC, when you can also get even more cards..
I bought three packs today and one of the draws was this one here below
A legendary Cthulhu for $8, a Vera Salacia for $0.54, and Oyster Rotwell for $0.73 and a Gold Foil Marrow's Ghost for $1.24 all in one draw. The two other packs were not as succefull but still with value of around $1.50 per pack. That makes it more than successful I would say.
Ow yeah, I still play my daily quests as well, when I don't forget. And the rewards from those, well...Still worth it! But you also need to take some profits every now and then.
This is the first timed I've been tempted to sell cards but I still find it hard to let them go. 😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Same thing> I really found it hard to let some of them go, but on the other hand....selling some doubles isnt a bad thing if they give you so much back at the moment
take some profits here and there!
The biggest challenge would be deciding which ones to sell. 😂
I'm in the process of moving all my spares into a separate account so I can rent them out from there and it will be easier to keep track of.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Been selling cards for weeks now, yet my collection value goes up. Crazy times for splinterlands. Is it too early to sell?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I dont know man. Selling a bit on the way up is never a bad thing. Profit is profit and as you say. It isn't hurting the wallet as yet.
All of the hodling and player for years is giving is giving us back. Congrats to you as well dude!
Ik ben even zo vrij geweest om in je collectie te loeren maar das een serieuze verzameling
Gefeliciteerd met de vruchten plukken van je investering! wie had dat toen in krakow gedacht
Ja, long time believer he, wordt tegenwoordig wel elke ochtend wakker denkende dat ik nog aan het dromen ben.. En dat is mijn main account, heb ook nog een alt account voor mijn goldfoil kaarten, goodasgold moet je ook maar is checken ;) Btw, we wonen nu in Åre, Zweden en gaan zeer waarschijnlijk het huis naast ons huren om te verhuren aan mensen die op bezoek willen komen om te skien, noorderlicht en al dat andere flauw gedoe hier. Als ge nog niet weet wat doen voor uw komende vakantie :)
One thing is sure, Splinterlands is increasing everyday. Value of the cards will increase with it too. Just like Axie Infinity. Next game to hit that success chart is obviously Splinterlands.
I really hope so that it is. That Axie is going up so much is a hopefull thing for the future for sure!
I have been selling a few, some of the commons have gone crazy. I still have lots not levelled up waiting for the day to happen.
exactly. Some of the commons which we have tons of them are going mad. Like the Flesh Golem up here. Not really such a special card, but djeez, that one is making a lot of money now all of a sudden