I'm looking forward to the Holozing game! I was a day one investor and player of Splinterlands and I hope Holozing does as well or better in terms of game fun and token profit.
ZING Token
I have a good amount of Zing. Hundreds of people have more than me but thousands have less. I delegated Hive to get some; I added to the liquidity pool to get some. I also buy and sell in the hive-engine market. Right now I think it's a good time to take some profits at the 0.004 price. In my own opinion, and this is just me, I think 0.002 is an okay price to get in, but might be too high in the long run as well.
The thing that worries me is that Huge potential token inflation. There are 9 quadrillion possible tokens that could be printed. So, every 1 existing token could be diluted by 6.9 Million X if all tokens are eventually printed.
9007199254740991 / 130407232.012 = 69,069,783
Maybe most of those 9 quadrillion tokens will get burned, but it's hard to say. I read that the team intends there to be plenty of tokens out there to be used to do all the things they want to do with them in the game. So maybe they just entered a huge number in the box when they were creating ZING to have the option of having tons of tokens if needed. Still, that Huge potential supply keeps me from being bullish on the token price. But again, I did get tens of thousands of ZING so I'm not trying to be negative!
The Actual Game
So this looks pretty cool from what we can know so far. The art is excellent. The team is excellent. Very few people are more solid and trustworthy than acidyo.
The game mechanics seem to be something that will be fun to learn and play.
A roleplaying adventure game for both casual and competitive players
I'm a little worried about this game being for casual players. I'll probably be a casual player. I started Splinterlands as a casual player who played a little every day. But over the years it became too much of an investment in time and money to learn all the new rules of the game and my older awesome cards were getting outclassed by newly issued ones. But they have Land now which is casual; you just set it up and collect every few days. That's all I have time for.
I hope Holozing does get a big following of casual and competitive players. I expect it will bring in new people to Hive who aren't here already. Those of us here already might not have much time to be more than casual players. There's only a certain number of hours in a day and many of us are already writing posts, reading posts, commenting and playing one or more of the existing Hive games so I worry about fitting in something new. But again, I bought some Vials so I'm ready to play Holozing!
My Ideal Game
I do like battle games and in my desire to be a casual gamer I like the fact that you can do a Splinterlands battle in under a minute. I do play other games and spend probably too many hours on them, but I do go back to them for the fun. So while I do plan to play Holozing and see if I like it, I also have the option of playing and adding to my own game which is in some ways a very simple version of Splinterlands which dozens of people are playing and seem to enjoy. Rather than needing to buy new editions of cards in order to be able to compete, I'm trying to introduce ways to upgrade existing cards people already have.
Game development is not easy, and keeping it balanced and fun is also not easy. I have very high respect for everyone working on Hive related games and other projects that might help our beloved Hive blockchain! I wish everyone a wonderful 2025!
token supply was set to max allowed amount on hive-engine "just in case", there's no plans to issue that many and in the future we will probably not be on hive-engine forever looking at how things are going. While the token will remain inflationary for a while forward (recent changes for instance turned daily distribution from 410k to 460k) there'll be a time where this drops when we aren't in such a need of funding any longer.
This is a very nice comment, I don't know if this mentioned/worded like this in any of the Holozing posts, but It wouldn't hurt to remind the community of that maybe.
Sure, I'll try remember mention that in a next post as we change up the distri as well and have another creature reveal waiting!
Thanks for the comment!
The current inflation in ZING is a good rate, and I say that because the inflation has never caused the token price much, if any, downward pressure. In fact since mid October the price has been mostly higher than the range it had been in.
Probably smart to choose the highest number for the "max" variable as it gives you the most flexibility. The project has been well managed and there is steady demand for the ZING token. I am just one of many who will be watching Holozing and ZING in 2025 as things launch. Best wishes!