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RE: Lost Ark ~ Headstart has begun!

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Even though I'm past my MMORPG phase, I might just give this a try once it becomes free! IMO the best part of most MMOs are often the first weeks and months after release when no one knows too much and everyone's just fumbling about 😂

 3 years ago  

Absolutely! 😁 I love that fumbling around and not knowing what to do, even moreso when everyone is like that. Otherwise I'm just that noob that everyone gets annoyed at. xD

What I like about this, so far anyway, is that there's a lot of casual content for someone who'd rather just traipse about and do whatever rather than focus on levelling asap and getting to raids and things!😄

Ooh great! I'm also a filthy casual so that's a great plus 😂 Maybe I can get my other filthy casual friends to join in too lmao