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RE: Revisiting a Classic - "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" (2003) - Part 6 of 11 - Manaan

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

KOTOR is one of my favourite duologies, such great writing and I love getting lost in the world of Star Wars, and the old republic era is really cool, my favourite period is the transition between the republic and the empire though.

Yeah, I totally agree that grenades feel way too OP, I think it was this game, but may have been number 2 where I was in a fight with a Rancor that battered me on my first attempt, so I snuck in without initiating the fight and planted a ton of mines. Killed it instantly and it kind of ruined the battle. I did the same thing with the Krayt dragon haha

 2 years ago  

Yeah, in the past when I played KOTOR as a scoundrel with a blaster I relied a lot on the stealth belt and setting mine traps so I could defeat enemies by just luring them into the line of explosions.