Retro Gaming Find

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

I was out with my partner and the baby for a bit of a walk around her home town; we decided to get some lunch and then drop in and have a look around some charity shops while down town - because realistically, there's not many other types of shops to look in.

We got to the first one, after charting our route and ended up getting talking to the two women working there. They were really nice, and were asking a lot about the baby, and after about 10 minutes of chatting I noticed some familiar looking cases behind them. (PS1 Games... and a whole bunch of them.)

After enquring about the games one of the women took them down and laid them out on the counter for me to flip through.

There were some sports games too, which I wasn't interested in, but now I'm kind of raging I didn't just take everything that was there.

Starting off with Tomb Raider, this is one I used to play back in the day, but I remember it being really hard and frustrating too.

Here's Everything inside, and as you can see, the disc is incredibly clean and scratch free.

Every game is complete, with booklets, and other manuals. Each disc looks to be in great order, and each box is well maintained and looked after.

This is one game I didn't play back in the day, but it has a fairly legendary status among many PS1 gamers.

I used to love playing Oddworld. I never played this one here, but did play a lot of the first game.

I'm actually playing Oddworld: Soul Storm at the moment, and it's a lot of fun.

I've never played this game, but decided to pick it up anyway, with the intention of giving it a go.

I never heard of this one before, but when talking to a mate about it he remembers playing and said it was good.

Doom had to be bought. I've played this one before, but never on the PS1.

I have Star Wars Dark Forces for the PS1, which is a bit of a Doom clone in a way.

I never got into the Final Fantasy games, but I know they're meant to be good. I'm looking forward to giving this one a go.

This one is a bit annoying, I can't seem to close the box properly on account of a second disc spindle in there. I'll figure it out though.

Here's the stack, and as you can see, many of these games are in double disc cases, even though not all of them require that extra space.

While chatting about them, I mentioned that I recently got a converter to be able to play some of these old games. I asked how much she wanted per game, and she replied with a shrug, "a fiver."

A fiver! that's crazy, because I know for a fact that many of these go for much more than that on the resale market.

I totted up the ones I wanted, the 8 shown above, and purchased them. 40 Euros for the lot is an absolute steal.

Here's A List of Each Games Value
Note: I'm only doing this briefly by scrolling eBay, so prices may vary. But, I'll be able to surmise an average.

  • Tomb Raider - 19.99 - 50
  • Metal Gear Solid - 34.99 - 60
  • ODDWORLD: Abes Exodus - 25
  • Die Hard Trilogy - 15 - 20
  • Nuclear Strike - 15 - 22
  • Doom - 50
  • Final Fantasy VII - 40 - 70
  • Resident Evil 2 - 45 - 70

It's kind of hard to find prices, because some people tend to charge whatever they want. But, based on the condition of these, I'd say somewhere slightly above the lowest price.

Roughly, I'd say there's slightly more than 250 Euros worth of games here, if I were to resell them online.

Not bad for 40 Euros.

I don't have a major drive to get into reselling. While it is something I'm interested in, I'm not really ready to dive into it.

Over the years I have picked things up when I see decent deals, and have the idea to start selling this stuff online, but currently, my (stock) is all over the place in storage, so I'd need to route it all out and find out what I have, and what I'm willing to sell.

The markets tend to fluctuate for certain products, so timing is everything.

Regardless, I'm delighted with the bargain, and think I done pretty well in snagging this deal.


Dude, 40 for those games is an insanely good deal! Just FF7 will almost always cost that if not more (as you found out while looking at ebay). Great snag, and I hope you like them!

I can't wait man! The deal is shocking, I had to play it cool though while picking which ones to buy haha

This post got a bit long, but I wanted to give an update on the PS2 situation. It's all good now, and I'll write about it tomorrow I think.

insanely good bargain!

Yeah, I'm so shocked I was able to snag it! It's rare to see retro games (or many games in general) in those kinds of shops.

In the next five years physical media will go up in value like crazy now that major retailers like Best Buy are not selling them anymore, we might be in the process where the remaining stock will go dry, I once felt like building up a blue ray collection but always though that's money collecting dust, I was so wrong 😅

You're right there, as time goes on I think it'll be harder and harder to find this stuff. Every so often I come across Blurays going cheap, and if it's a film or show I like, I tend to pick them up. Most of the time though they're hard to come across for a decent price.

You got very good games! Excellent, now they are collector's items. I remember that black disco paste too much. Greetings and thanks for showing. Thanks for share!