Good Sunday morning, Steemitans*. >:D
This is my first Showcase Sunday post.
I chose to showcase this post (originally published 3rd of Oct, 2018) because it's about a pretty fucked up game, I'm proud of the post itself, and I wanted it to appear in the Steem Gaming Community hive (definitely check it out if you're into gaming).
So buckle up, Buttercup, and enjoy the ride.
''Here I was, just minding my own business enjoying my Second Amendment rights, and you people have to freak out on me!''
- The Postal Dude
Growing up, I was quite a tom-boyish girl. Especially considering my only sibling is my older brother (7 year age gap). Hence I was also very prone to gaming ever since the early age of 5... 6... maybe 7? Well, I still game to date. In fact, me and my partner actually have a small collection of gaming consoles and games, some older, some newer.
Today I'll be discussing one of my favorite video games I've played so far, a ''classic'' from my childhood... Postal 2 by Running With Scissors, Inc. It's a PC game from the year 2003; accompanied by its' 2015 DLC Paradise Lost (which deserves to be called a standalone game of its' own). There was also a Postal 3 released before the Paradise Lost DLC, but nobody wants to speak much of it, not even RWS, Inc themselves.
When I first played it, we used to have its Russian version as a CD (loaned from my brother's then classmate Mihkel), so everything sounded extra badass. Once we were tired of playing the game as it was supposed to be played, we whipped out a page of cheat codes and things got pretty crazy. Let's just say there was a lot of fire and flying.
Before we continue, I must warn you - the Postal franchise is Rated R and is about the same level (or higher) of intentionally controversial, stereotyping and offensive as South Park. So, if you're very easilly offended, I reccommend you to pass on this one.
(The Al Qa-weed-a Squad, as I like to call them || Paradise Lost DLC).
Postal 2 is quite a fucked up game
with an even more fucked up plot behind it.
Long story short, you are the Postal Dude - a badass character on its own, with an attitude resembling Marvel's Deadpool and appearance resembling The Punisher, living in a trailer with your toxic wife who is never seen in the game (unless you play the DLC), as she is just too obese to fit through the trailer's door.
Every day throughout the week you're given a couple of errands to run - for example ''Pick up paycheck'' and ''Get milk''. Sounds pretty easy and even boring, doesn't it? Well, you're wrong. You'll get attacked by a mob of parents protesting against violent video games. Play it and you'll know what I mean.
Basically, it's a black comedy FPS where you can wield weapons starting from a basic pistol, ending with a bazooka... or a dead cow's head (what?). ''Where are the animal rights activists?'' you might ask. Well, the cow's head isn't the only thing that involves cruelty against animals. You can use cats as gun silencers. (WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?!)

To top things off, you're given the opportunity to insult people on the streets and even urinate. That's right... you can unzip your pants any time and piss anywhere you want!
One time I forgot how to unzip my pants (usually it's done by pressing the ''R'' key on your keyboard) and accidentally pressed the ''K'' key instead. The Postal Dude grabbed a grenade, pulled out the pin and stuck the grenade in his mouth.
BOOM! Game Over!
Paradise Lost is just as fucked up,
if not even more.
Awoken from a 12-year radioactive-induced coma, the Postal Dude is on a quest to find his lost dog Champ. After the great Apocalypse struck upon Paradise, the town got divided inbetween factions, like it were 9th to 15th century medieval Europe. And let me tell you, the factions don't get along very well.
In order to find his dog the Postal Dude has to ally with the conflicting factions, and in the end go to Hell where battle awaits. On his journey he bumps into the miniature, the zombiefied, the former child stars, and everyone inbetween. And, of course, he has chores to do - wait in lines, buy toilet paper, tame some cows, harvest marijuana...
In addition to several new weapons, dual-wielding and vending machines, Paradise Lost also features the option to flip everyone and everything off. Isn't that thoughtful? If you ever get pissed off at your team members in some competitive MOBA or FPS, you now know which game to switch to. There's no better way to let your rage out in a post-apocalyptic wasteland by creating a major bloodbath... or just flipping stuff off.
So what are you waiting for?
If you're as fucked up from the brain as I, go show your full support to Running With Scissors, Inc., buy the game, buy some merch, urinate on strangers, listen to the OST,
Extra: Around 3 years ago when I was still working as a cashier in a grocery store, I once had this customer in my line who really resembled the Postal Dude. He was wearing a long leather jacket, a badass T-shirt and sunglasses. Ofcourse, I mentioned it to him. He smiled and seemed to be flattered, although I'm not completely sure he understood what I meant by ''Hey, you look like the Postal Dude! Awesome!''
That's all for now, folks! Please don't hesitate to express your thoughts and feelings this post might or might not have awaken in you in the comment section below!
Keep up with more of my genius thoughts and awesomeness by following me on Twitter!
Some of the pictures aren't showing up for me, which is sad. :( the first, last and second to last one, to be exact.
Otherwise, great post!
Hmm, weird. They work fine on my phone. :thinking:
Thanks for stopping by!
[chanting]: write some posts! Write some posts!
I'm obviously getting even depressingly older when people are talking about games from this century as being retro lol
At which point does retro become vintage? I've got Commodore Vic 20 games on tapes! Yes cassette tapes of which some people will have no idea what they are. They are almost twice your age punk-mama ...I don't know whether to LOL or find a slash my wrists emocion!
Back in the day when there was a left, right and fire button and you didn't need a months full time training and 6 thumbs to play...
PS I'm Gen X so no 'OK boomer' memes please...I detest baby boomers even more than millennials lol ;-)
Don't worry, I've had people respond to me with "OK boomer"! (WTF, right?) :D
Ok, boomers
I also remember playing this game in the early 2000s and I remember thinking "what a crazy and fucked up game". I pirated it at that time probably but now a proud owner of it in my library. Haven't had the time to kick it in gear yet though, since I have to wade through my 200+ game libraries, which I seem to have acquired over time, unbeknownst to me somehow.
How about making it a challenge to try out every game you own (or at least half of them) and write posts about them? :D
I'm hoping to play at least a third of them, with the emphasis being on horror (just re-did the Outlast series and Layers of Fear, and then the pants-crapping Amnesia. Currently doing the oldie Dead Space for the first time) and I also carry some love for point-and-click with a good story(just finished Ken Follett's Pillars of da Earth).
Next in line are both Evil Withins and RE series and Chains of Satinav and Memoria. All this while trying to live a normal family life as well. Ugh so little time :)
This was very interesting to read for me, as a retro gamer. I have never played Postal but I remember it from the early 2000s. It used to be mentioned in different gamer magazines.
Here is my post about retro gaming
Thanks for stopping by! It's a shame your post is 15 days old, too late for getting more rewards from upvotes. Nevertheless I enjoyed reading it! We have a similar video game museum here in Tallinn, Estonia, called LVLup!. They're also interactive, adults pay like 5€ for an hour to play on whatever they want. They have so many different consoles from Ataris to Soviet knock-offs of Famicom (f.e Dendy) to real-deal NES, SNES, SEGA consoles, nowadays more popular and newer PS4s, everything inbetween, even a couple of arcade machines and maybe the legendary Pong).
Thanks :) I was in Talinn last year and I am planning to come this year as well. So thanks for the hint about retro gaming. If you are in Stockholm, there is a place called Ne3rds , it is a game bar