Blocklords Season Finally Over - Finished in Top 5

in Hive Gaminglast year

OK, maybe it's only been 60 days, but it was hard-core grinding for most of that time. Let's start with the good news.

The Good

I'll finish in 4th place!


So what did I win?

So I'm looking at 500 $LRD (no market yet so no idea the price) and a legacy Hero NFT:

And the one I just won is better:


So not a bad result and I'm happy to get rewarded for playing.

The Bad

I'm so burnt out by this grindy POS game. 😆

Seriously, I've played 3 seasons now (the others weren't 60 days thank god), and the game has seen no real advancement to the vision they laid out of fighting other people, alliances, sieges, etc. It's just a farming sim.

And not a good one.

They've released a token (don't they all?!) and some mechanics to make that token desirable, but the gameplay itself remains unchanged. Even bugs take forever to fix. The team seems focused on NFT/token over fun or game development.

The Ugly

Remember when I mentioned some mechanics to make the token desirable? Well, one of those was to change the leaderboard competition halfway through the 60-day season to let whale token holders get extra leaderboard points. And now the #1 spot was taken away from a grinder and given to a whale.

I'll wait for that to sink in.

Yes, it's that bad.

Multiple players that were in the top 10 just quit on the spot when the change was announced. Like listed all their NFTs for sale and were never heard from in Blocklords again.

This has completely ruined my trust/confidence in the team - even though I'm personally getting the exact same reward. What type of team changes the rules halfway through? What type of team changes the rules to so clearly favor $$$ over players? Not the type of team I'm going to put my faith in. Either they are immoral and looking to cash in on their token and rug or they are out of runway and forced to make terrible decisions to keep the lights on.

What's Next for Me

I'll be figuring out what to do with my winnings. I've already sold $1200 worth of NFTs earned from the game. Because I staked my first airdrop, I passively earn an in-game currency called "influence" every day that I can use to buy more NFTs even without playing. I just bought one yesterday in fact for 12,000 influence that recently sold on the market for $80.

It's tempting to just sell it all and walk away, but honestly, I probably won't. There are 4 more airdrops planned, and they reward NFT holders and influence earners. I'm certainly not whale status, but I have accumulated NFTs/influence from being so early to the game. I'll probably hang around and continue to slowly sell assets to take money off the table.

One thing is for sure: I'm taking a LONG break from playing this game. 😆

The next airdrop is in ~30 days. I'll log back in before that to buy all the NFTs I can from my passive influence earnings. I'll probably list 1 or 2 for sale just so the airdrop FOMO pump gets them sold at good prices.

What if?

What if the team completely turns it around? I don't have much hope, but if they do, I'll still have my mega farm. I can always come back and be competitive. If it's a year from now, maybe I'm not top 5 anymore, but probably top 200 still. Big enough to make an impact.


I don't recommend this game to anyone looking for fun. If a few hundred or even $1000 over a year is real money to you, then I guess you need to do what you need to do. Can't knock that for sure, but let's be honest, you're probably better off just getting more active on Hive and producing better content!


Seems like someone gonna buy my farmers for 400 bucks each YAY!!!

not bad congratz on your placement O.O and not bad making the money from this game O.O any other games you are playing? preferably less g rindy

There are a few I'm waiting on, but nothing currently. I'm actually searching for something to play. I did just start playing Everseed yesterday, but its early and there's only content for about an hour or so a day.

im also waiting for something to put money in. im selling my cta stuff @_@. i dont even know if i can sell my gods unchained stuff still having hopes for them

That's an impressive result and you have grinded some nice cash from the game. That was pretty dirty of the Dev team to change the rules though. I thought this was a hard core grinding game and I didn't have it in me to do, especially just farming. Hopefully some battling comes to spice it up abit.

Thanks. Yea, it's far too grindy. It appears they are going with two tracks: grind or $$. They've also made it progressively easier to build up your farm, which means us OGs had to work 2x as hard to get where we are. But on the other hand, the grind for new players is somewhat less (as long as you aren't trying for top leaderboard!)

Pulling the switcheroo to take away from the grinders seems ultra dirty, I'm right with you on not trusting them. Nice writeup, I had a feeling I wasn't going to miss out on a whole lot after the "preseason" I played for Blocklords. Congratz on the positive gains, might get in touch with you about what to do with my NFTs from that venture at some point (Staking?). Excellent read as always. Cheers mate.

You had a very nice result and I know you can do better so keep it up!

it is good to see you are making money out of this game.

1000$ a year is about 80$ a month, that's a good money in venezuela BUT depends on how much time you have to play it daily