Dota 2 Invoker Moments [PLAYING WITH WEX AND QUAS] In 3 Minutes (ESP/ENG) 😎😎🌟🌟🌟

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


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¡Un gran saludo mis compañeros "gamers"! Hoy vengo a compartir con todos ustedes otro gameplay de Dota 2, debo mencionar que este se realizara resaltando lo mas destacado del juego, con algo de interacción! en su defecto encontraran que estare jugando con el héroe de tipo mágico llamado "Invoker", en esta partida lo que menos faltaba era adrenalina, pues este heroe a que a continuación mostrare es uno de los mas complicados de jugar en el dota 2 ¡Comenzaré por mostrarles la jugabilidad mencionada y luego el desarrollo del juego!
A big hello my fellow "gamers"! Today I come to share with you all another gameplay of Dota 2, I should mention that this will be done highlighting the highlights of the game, with some interaction! in its absence you will find that I will be playing with the hero of magical type called "Invoker", in this game the least missing was adrenaline, because this hero that I will show below is one of the most complicated to play in dota 2 I will begin by showing you the gameplay mentioned and then the development of the game!

Antes de iniciar con este video del gameplay de los mejores momentos del invoker, quiero que sepan un poco mas de este juego y como descargarlo
Before starting with this gameplay video of the best moments of invoker, I want you to know a little more about this game and how to download it.

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¿Qué es Dota 2 y dónde descargarlo?
What is Dota 2 ? and where to download it ?
Dota 2 es un videojuego multijugador online desarrollado y publicado por Valve Corporation. El juego es una secuela de Defense of the Ancients, que fue un mod creado por la comunidad para Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos de Blizzard Entertainment y su pack de expansión, The Frozen Throne.
Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. The game is a sequel to Defense of the Ancients, which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen Throne.
Fecha de lanzamiento inicial: 9 de julio de 2013
Initial release date: July 9, 2013
Desarrollador: Valve Corporation
Developer: Valve Corporation
Diseñador: IceFrog
Designer: IceFrog
Género: Arena de batalla multijugador en línea
Genre: Multiplayer online battle arena
Editor: Valve Corporation
Publisher: Valve Corporation
Motor: Source 2
Engine: Source 2

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Listo, habiendo terminado de hablarles sobre este juego y como descargarlo ahora iniciamos con el gameplay, disfrutenlo.
Ready, having finished talking about this game and how to download it, now we start with the gameplay, enjoy it.

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Como les comente al comienzo, el Invoker es uno de los héroes mas complicados del Dota 2, debido a que este posee una variedad de skills, normalmente los héroes siempre tiene de 4 a 6 habilidades, este héroe es caracterizado por tener 10 habilidades, las cuales debes ir armando con un libro de hechizos, memorizando la formula de cada uno!
As I mentioned at the beginning, the Invoker is one of the most complicated heroes of Dota 2, because it has a variety of skills, usually heroes always have 4 to 6 skills, this hero is characterized by having 10 skills, which you must go arming with a spell book, memorizing the formula of each one!
En mi caso yo jugué al comienzo con 4 hechizos, para luego de a mediados de la partida utilizar cuando fuera necesario el resto de los hechizos, lo unico es que este no posee mucha defensa, asi que hay que estar bien posicionado, y saber cuando lanzar los combos que te pueden servir tanto para matar como para escapar.
In my case I played at the beginning with 4 spells, and then in the middle of the game I used the rest of the spells when necessary, the only thing is that this doesn't have much defense, so you have to be well positioned, and know when to cast the combos that can serve you both to kill and to escape.

En el video les mostré mis mejores jugadas, pues aqui les traigo mis momentos mas trágicos.
In the video I showed you my best plays, so here I bring you my most tragic moments.
como por ejemplo aquí, había ido a buscar runa, y me encontré con puck y de la nada salió el tuskar lo cual les llevo a realizar esa emboscada exitosamente.
like for example here, I had gone to look for runes, and I met puck and out of nowhere came the tuskar which led them to successfully perform that ambush.


En esta ocacion me confie, queria ir a comprar en la tienda el void stone, y resulto que me estaban esperando entre los 3 para matarme.
On this occasion, I was confident, I wanted to go to the store to buy the void stone, and it turned out that the three of them were waiting for me to kill me.


y así estuve una tercera y cuarta vez, ya en esos momentos solo esperaban a que yo apareciera a su vista para utilizar todos sus poderes contra mi, cosa que sucedía por mis descuidos.
And so I was a third and fourth time, and in those moments they only waited for me to appear in their sight to use all their powers against me, which happened because of my carelessness.



Aquí concluimos, espero en un futuro mejorar mucho mas, gracias a esta gran comunidad, Saludos!!
Here we conclude, I hope to improve a lot more in the future, thanks to this great community, Cheers!

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Gracias por leer y ver mi contenido, mucho éxito.

todos los videos y imágenes son totalmente de mi autoría!

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A champion with 10 talents? Dude, that's too much, there are champions like that in League of Legends and I mostly avoid them. I liked your escape at the beginning, it was tactical. I guess you forgot to add video link properly. Please check it again ^^

 2 years ago  

yes my friend, this hero possesses what are 10 skills 😄 , among them, 1. a lightning blast that takes away your mana, 2. a tornado, 3. a power that increases your attack speed and damage and your allies, 4. a power that makes you invisible, 5. a wave of energy that pushes you and disarms you for a few seconds, 6. a meteor shower, 7. a power that stuns you for every damage you deal per second, 8. a wall of ice, 9. summons a small unit that shoots fireballs, 10. and a solar ray!
Bro, you can't see the video or it redirects you to another video?😌

I can watch it from youtube if I click the video but it looks like a direction only. I mean you should go open it from youtube can't watch it here directly

 2 years ago  

oh! I must see how I do that, I thought you could watch the video from here directly.

Hmm, I just checked that you can see the video on peakd but not ecency. I don't know why but I guess it's not because of you.

 2 years ago  

okay anyway then I will see if there is some code I have wrong or I am missing to add.