¡Un saludo mis compañeros "gamers"! Hoy vengo a compartir con todos ustedes otro gameplay de Dota 2, debo mencionar que este se realizara resaltando lo mas destacado del juego, con algo de interaccion! en su defecto encontraran que estare jugando con el heroe de tipo magico llamado "Queen Of Pain", encontraran momentos donde estare algo tranquilo, como en suspenso al mismo tiempo. ¡Comenzaré por mostrarles la jugabilidad mencionada y luego el desarrollo del juego!
Best regards my fellow "gamers"! Today I come to share with you all another gameplay of Dota 2, I should mention that this will be done highlighting the highlights of the game, with some interaction! in its absence you will find that I will be playing with the hero of the magic type called "Queen Of Pain", you will find moments where I will be somewhat calm, as in suspense at the same time. I will begin by showing you the gameplay mentioned and then then the development of the game!
Como podrán ver en este gif ,al comienzo de mi partida lo hice con un par de amigos los cuales me retaron a ver quien moría primero si ellos o yo, yo con mucha confianza les acepte el reto, lamentablemente no pude tomar capture de los momentos en los que ellos murieron y fui el ganador de este reto.
As you can see in this gif, at the beginning of my game I did it with a couple of friends who challenged me to see who would die first if they or I, I confidently accepted the challenge, unfortunately I could not take capture of the moments in which they died and I was the winner of this challenge.
A pesar de todo, de que llevaba una cierta ventaja en la partida llego un momento en que se me complico debido a que la mirana se armo un item que al lanzármelo me deja sujetado al suelo sin poder moverme o lanzar alguna habilidad, con ti mas su habilidad de lanzar una gran flecha que dependiendo de la distancia que la lance me aturde por mucho más tiempo esta lo aplicaba como una buena estrategia en equipo inmovilizándome con sus compañeros hasta la muerte.
In spite of everything, that I had a certain advantage in the game, there came a moment in which it was complicated for me because the mirana had an item that when she threw it at me left me fastened to the ground without being able to move or throw any skill, with you plus her ability to throw a big arrow that depending on the distance that she throws it stuns me for much longer, she applied it as a good team strategy immobilizing me with her companions until death.
Después de esas combinaciones, ellos comenzaron a avanzar mucho, a tal punto que llegamos a pensar que perderíamos la partida, adelantaron mucho, sacaron megas en medio, luego top, y por ultimo en bot invocando a los mega creep, como nuestro Hard Carry no tenía mucho daño tuve que improvisar armándome una Rapierd la cual es el item que da más daño en el juego! Fue cuando hubo una esperanza, cometieron varios errores ellos y comenzamos a matarlos en momentos oportunos, estaba tan en suspenso que hubo un momento en que me mataron y perdi el item de daño, tuve comprarme y desplazarme rápidamente para recuperarlo, una vez lo recupere seguimos adelante y logramos así un una remontada, avanzamos y avanzamos hasta llegar a su base y luego se compraron para defender, pero como estábamos en equipo ya era difícil que defendieran, los eliminamos y destruimos el ancient esto nos llevo a la victoria!
After those combinations, they began to advance a lot, to the point that we thought we would lose the game, they advanced a lot, they took megas in the middle, then top, and finally in bot summoning the mega creep, as our Hard Carry did not have much damage I had to improvise by arming a Rapierd which is the item that gives more damage in the game! It was when there was hope, they made several mistakes and we began to kill them at opportune moments, I was so in suspense that there was a moment when they killed me and I lost the damage item, I had to buy and move quickly to recover it, once I recovered it we went ahead and managed a comeback, we advanced and advanced until we reached their base and then they bought to defend, but as we were in team it was difficult to defend, we eliminated them and destroyed the ancient, this led us to victory!
Gracias por leer y ver mi contenido y mucho éxito.
todas los videos y imágenes son totalmente de mi autoría!
Tengo que aprenderme esos movimientos si algún día tengo pensado jugar al dota2 nuevamente, el video fue épico y los gif son geniales.
Gracias amigo, ya si juegas al dota 2 avisas y jugamos una partida! Saludos!
Bro muy buen gameplay. Ya me estoy bajando el Dota 2, solo espero que pueda jugar en la resolución mas feita hahahaha, con eso me conformo, si llegue a jugar en League of Legends creo que el dota 2 también debería correr.
Esa Akasha estuvo buena, si no asumes el rol de carry pierden.
gracias bro, le puse un mundo a esa partida, cuando todos ponen de su parte se pueden ver mejoras hasta en los peores momentos! Kitear nunca rendirse jamas! 😁
I tried to play this game with my friends at university, but they couldn't stand me because I was a beginner. For me it's more complicated than League of Legends and I'm not very good at playing it. But you're good at it, man!
Also your activity in community looks really good. Keep it up!
I understand my friend, but that's how we all started, me and my friends played this every day, I had a little knowledge when they were starting, I gave them some of my knowledge along with the experience they were gaining in the game when I realized they had already become very good!
I think the same as you, it is little more complex than League of legends! and if someday there is time and if you feel like it, it's not too much to play a few games, greetings!
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That rapier is nasty, it can turn around any matchup towards its user.
yes, it has its advantages and disadvantages!
for example: having it gives you a lot of damage!!!
but if you die you can drop it and the enemy can pick it up! it is not recommended to buy it if you are not sure that you will survive in the teamfight!
Indeed, that is why most of the time players only use it when they are at a huge disadvantage.
It is exactly 50/50 !
do you play dota 2?
Yes, but not very extensive, I think the last time that I played was before the pandemic.