My adventure in "League of Legends Wild Rift" is growing, every time I'm getting better and this has allowed me to experiment with other champions, today I'm sharing with you another of my gamplay, but this is something special, because I managed to rank up and reach the gold medal.
My adventure in "League of Legends Wild Rift" is growing, every time I'm getting better and this has allowed me to experiment with other champions, today I'm sharing with you another of my gamplay, but this is something special, because I managed to rank up and reach the gold medal.

In recent days the matchmaking was being quite unfair, I had to play with people "Troll" who are only dedicated to enter the games to fuck and even abandon the same. Despite this I kept calm and serene, I kept playing giving the best of me in each game until I managed to chain a good streak of victories.
En los últimos días el emparejamiento estaba siendo bastante injusto, me ha tocado jugar con gente "Troll" que solo se dedican a entrar en las partidas para joder e incluso hasta abandonar la misma. A pesar de esto me mantuve tranquilo y sereno, seguí jugando dando lo mejor de mí en cada partida hasta que conseguí encadenar una buena racha de victorias.

As you have already seen in the gameplay, I was using the champion "Malphite" in the toplaner (top line), at the beginning it was a little difficult for me, in the line I had as an opponent the champion "Renekton", to be honest he is one of the many characters that I still don't know completely, I don't know the functioning of his abilities and facing something I don't know always ends up taking its toll on me.
Como ya han podido ver en el gameplay, estuve usando al campeón "Malphite" en la toplaner (línea superior), al principio se me dificulto un poco, en la línea tenía como rival al campeón "Renekton", para ser honesto es uno de los tantos personajes que aún no conozco del todo, no sé el funcionamiento de sus habilidades y enfrentarme contra algo que no conozco siempre termina por pasarme factura.
Even so, as the minutes passed in the game I realized how this opponent used Renekton and little by little I was getting more comfortable. He managed to kill me in the first exchange, but after that I managed to even the situation, I managed to kill him a couple of times and I also managed to knock down the first tower of the line.
Aun así, a medida que pasaban los minutos en la partida me iba dando cuenta como este rival utilizaba a Renekton y de a poco fui consiguiendo más comodidad. Él logró matarme en el primer intercambio, pero después de eso logré emparejar bastante la situación, conseguí darle muerte un par de veces y también conseguí tumbar la primera torre de la línea.

Another thing that I have improved in my gameplay, is the support to the jungler when he goes and prioritizes to do the herald or the dragon. In the time I've been playing I've noticed how effective it can be to provide that little support to the jungler, I've noticed in many games how giving support to the jungler ends up being influential in the development of the game.
Otra de las cosas que he mejorado en mi jugabilidad, es el apoyo al jungla cuando esté mismo va y prioriza hacer el heraldo o el dragón. En el tiempo que llevo jugando he podido notar lo efectivo que puede llegar hacer brindarle ese pequeño apoyo al jungla, he podido notar en muchas partidas como darle apoyo al jungla termina por ser influyente en el desarrollo del juego.
In this game my team had a "Shyvana" as jungler, I know this champion quite well and I know the exponential damage it can acquire throughout the game. For my part I supported her several times to make the herald and dragon, in the same way I started to move around the map, always keeping the pressure on the enemy lines.
En esta partida por parte de mi equipo tenía una "Shyvana" como jungla, a este campeón lo conozco bastante bien y sé el daño exponencial que puede adquirir a lo largo de la partida. De mi parte la apoyé varias veces para hacer el heraldo y dragón, del mismo modo empece a moverme por todo el mapa, siempre manteniendo la presión en las líneas enemigas.

Malphite is a champion that is characterized by being a good tank, able to withstand a lot of damage, also as an initiator is very effective, since his ultimate ability performs a strong onslaught that lifts through the air, stuns and slows enemies. This ability executed with good positioning is easily a winning fight for the team. In the game I always tried to apply this skill when I saw two or more enemies, but also when I was sure I could kill an enemy with my full combo, I just went for it. On more than one occasion I managed to kill several of them.
Malphite es un campeón que se caracteriza por ser un buen tanque, capaz de aguantar mucho daño, también como iniciador es muy efectivo, ya que su habilidad definitiva ejecuta una fuerte embestida que levanta por los aires, aturde y ralentiza a los enemigos. Esta habilidad ejecutada con un buen posicionamiento es fácilmente una pelea ganada para el equipo. En la partida siempre intenté aplicar esta habilidad cuando veía a dos o más enemigos, aunque también cuando tenía la certeza de que podía matar a un enemigo con todo mi combo, simplemente me lanzaba por él. En más de una ocasión logré darle muerte a varios.

I can say that this has been one of the best games I've played and I'm not just saying that because of the performance I've had, but also because in terms of the execution of the roles of the team as such, all of them were executed to perfection, everyone fulfilled their position. In the end that would be what would end up giving us the victory, a good pressure and direct to break the towers, with it also a good group rotation, the team play ended up being excellent!>
Puedo decir que esta ha sido una de las mejores partidas que he podido jugar y no lo digo solo por el rendimiento que he tenido, si no, que en cuanto a la ejecución de los roles del equipo como tal, todos fueron ejecutados a cabalidad, cada quien cumplió con su posición. Al final sería eso lo que terminaría por darnos la victoria, una buena presión y directo a romper las torres, con ello también una buena rotación grupal, el juego en equipo termino siendo excelente!

The "League of Legends Wild Rift" logo that I have used as a tool for the elaboration of my cover, I have taken it from the web, by clicking "Here" you can be redirected to its link page. All other images and gifs are of my full authorship, I have taken them from the original game from my player profile. Thanks for reading and visiting my content, see you soon!
El logo de "League of Legends Wild Rift" que he usado como herramienta para la elaboración de mi portada, lo he tomado de la web, haciendo click "Aquí" podrán ser redirigidos a su pagina de enlace. Todas las demás imágenes y gifs son de mi total autoría, los he sacado del juego original desde mi perfil de jugador. Gracias por leer y visitar mi contenido, hasta pronto!

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▶️ 3Speak
Malphite is a really great champion. He's incredibly strong in teamfights with his ultimate and can destroy his opponent in lane. Also, I don't know if there is voice acting on mobile, but his words are very good hahaha.
Malphite despite having fairly simple gameplay, is one of the most influential champions you can see in a game. It's amazing how a single well-executed initiation with this champion is capable of turning an entire game around. I've already experienced it by having him and in the same way I experienced it by having him in my team, the game turns with this champion are really crazy.