League of Legends: Overview and AP Kog'maw mid

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Screenshot By Me

Hey there peoples! It's been a minute since I posted (around 8 days). Life gets busy in spurts often for me. However, I am here today with another post. This is about League of Legends, a game I have played for many years and one of my all time favorites.



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So what is League of Legends? It is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, better known as MOBAs. Although, I'm sure many of you reading this know that. It has multiple game modes with the most popular being 5 v 5. It is a three "lane" map and the objective is to bust through the enemies turrets (3/lane) and destroy the "Nexus" which resides next to their spawn. The current meta is A top laner, mid laner, a jungler, and two bottom laners - adc/support.

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Screenshot By Me


I play mid lane almost exclusively, at least in ranked matches. I am a One Trick Pony, Ap Kog'maw. AP kog'maw is generally played as a bottom lane attack damage carry (ADC). He is much more rarely played in mid lane, such as how I play him. I also play him as ability power instead of ADC. He is a late game scaler in either form, and can bring a similar threat to the battlefield as a sniper might in war.

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Screenshot By Me

I am a Gold II/III player currently and climbed out from silver when I started playing again about a year ago. All with the glorious Kog'maw. I am of course Mastery Level 7 with him, but what may surprise you more is the mastery points that are fast approaching 1 million! Another awesome stat is the amount of takedowns I have with him, nearly 15k!

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Screenshot By Me

My recent 10 games I have an A- score. This is basically true for the season as well, haha. These stats are vs other Kog'maw players in gold, and this includes both AP or ADC players. I'm currently ranked around the top 6% of all Kog'maw players as well, this was around 4.7 a month or so ago, but I've been playing other champions with my kids and I sometimes get out of practice with him. Anyway, that is all I have for League of Legends. I really enjoy this game and if you're into online competition, this is a great one.


I might have to play a game or two with you in this. I hate playing it alone.

I’m down man. I can teach you the ways haha.

kog maw mid ap i remember the season where it became famous thanks to POE very good times just like ezreal mid ap with smite.

I’ve played it since S3. Which may be the season that could have happened. However, I’ve never really watched too much of the pros games.

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