Nice one!
Sounds like you did indeed find a way to not feel guilty about gaming and do it in a responsible, fun and educative way. It makes me feel like scoring a console myself. After all, I've never owned one and it's kind of a trauma of mine haha
Plus, I have a beamer.
What kind of trauma!? Video game trauma? I recommend starting with SNES, N64 or PS2, I feel like those consoles had the most awesome games as far as sheer number goes. Don’t do it if it’s an escape! I wanna see that Dino book soon! Lol
The trauma of never having had a console nor a game boy at home, when I grew up.
I could only play these games at friends' places or aunts and uncles' houses. I felt like I was missing out.
I wouldn't do it as an escape but merely for inspiration and storytelling.
Your book first, right? ;<)
My book next month, your book next next month, my next book next next next month ;-)
Sounds like a plan ( although Ill probably need a little more time for my book. I like to be your illustrator and focus on art for now. My dino writing will surely re-appear.